e l e v e n | C o n f e s s i o n s

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After the first period, Hunter and Clea went outside the school building to meet up with their best friends since their teachers had an important meeting so all the senior students were only given assignments for tomorrow.

The back of the building was vandalized with so many indecent words she didn't want to read. Except for the Principal's name with male and female organs drawing in every letter that made her want to erupt in laughter. Hunter stood proud as he scanned his work, smirking as he saw Clea trying to hide her laughter.

"This is...epic!" She finally mumbled followed by her beautiful laugh that made him smile in satisfaction.

"I'm glad you think so." He grinned, happy that he made her laugh.

"Clea!" Peyton's voice made them turn their heads to her direction. She was walking with Bain while Bryce was following behind with a girl draped around his arms.

"I've been texting you to meet us at the parking lot. I wanted to eat ice cream." She huffed, crossing her arms while pouting.

"Oh, that." She blushed in embarassment.

"Yeah that." She mimicked. "Well? You didn't got my text or you didn't want to go?"

She sighed, "I kind of forgot where I last put it. But I'm pretty sure it's somewhere at home. Sorry." Peyton rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, you're the only girl I know that can live without her phone." She retorted but nevertheless accepted her explanation.

She knows how careless Clea is. For Peyton, Clea is not forgetful, it's just her excuse because she just won't admit she's careless.

"Well, you know if I was in a different situation I would have always been carrying it. I don't need to text you or Hunter since we're all neighbors which is way better for me."

"True." She nodded.

Bain and Hunter were talking beside their girlfriends, arms protectively gripping their waists.

"Guys, we're just going to walk around. See you later!" Bryce said, not even introducing the girl on his arms since she was probably his flavor of the month.

Or day.

"Yeah make sure your pants are on while you walk!" Hunter teased, catching the attention of a few students around them.

Bryce didn't turned his head, instead he lifted his hand waving his middle finger obviously to answer Hunter while they entered the school.

"He really loves you." Clea mumbled sarcastically.

"I'm starting to think he's in love with me that's why he still doesn't have a girlfriend." Hunter retorted earning a laugh from Clea and a scoff from Peyton.

"Really Hunter? I think he's just secretly waiting for his "Clea" to come to him." She muttered, air quoting Clea's name.

"Clea's mine!" He growled, pulling Clea closer to him but not in a painful way.

Peyton rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean our actual Clea here, I mean "the one" okay. Relax." Again, she air quoted the word to emphasize.

"Yeah yeah I get it but I don't like anyone using her name as a reference. Period." He was being childish, which only made him the cutest.

Peyton murmured how over reacting Hunter was being. While Bain stayed silent watching amused because he's exactly like Hunter. But Peyton must have forgotten that since his threat to other guys that had interest towards her was still very effective until now. Which is a good thing, he didn't like repeating himself.

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