Chapter Nineteen: Home sweet home

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When the plane landed I couldn't help but internally cry, not because i was back being in my own country, but because I would have school this coming week. No more extravagant events to keep me busy, or to dress up for, well for at least awhile. But that just meant I had to get back to working for my diploma, and then hopefully college, although I wasn't quite sure who or what I wanted to be. Cleo outwardly blanched when we passed school on the way home, causing both me and Andrew to burst out laughing, my heart filled as she frowned at me yet kissed me hard when I gave her the puppy dog eyes.

Yet that happy feeling went down, and almost completely away as we pulled up to my house and we saw that Carrie was there, leaning up against her car with a Bouquet of roses. However for once my mother seemed to have gotten home before us as we watched her taxi pull up, she was grabbing at her bags as the driver zoomed away nearly hitting our own car. Carrie watched my mother for a moment before moving to her side as  she nearly tripped and cracked her head open on the pavement.

My mothers eyes were closed tightly before she slowly opened them, she looked a little dazed as she stared up at Carrie. Who in turn was biting her lip, while looking at my mother. Who seemed to thank her profusely and give the whole southern hospitality by inviting her inside, probably for w glass of lemonade or something.

Cleo and I stepped out of the car just as they walked into the house, not even noticing us. Cleo grabbed my hand, and though there was a little part of me that was intimidated, the bigger better part that knew Cleo cared deeply for me, won. I held on tighter feeling slightly insecure as we made our way inside after getting our luggage. Stepping inside we hollered for mum, who in turned hollered back saying she was in the kitchen with a visitor. Walking in I watched as my mum was blushing while cleaning carries roses.


"Hey mum, how was you're flight?" I asked walking up and hugging her while shooting a glare at  Carrie.

Who in turn rolled her eyes, before smiling at Cleo, my Cleo. I had to bite my tongue before I started yelling at Carrie to keep her eyes off my women. But surprisingly enough, she did going back to looking at my mom. Again that was weird, and a little annoying. Cleo however, looked relieved making her way to my side and leading us to the dinner table while Carrie stayed at the island, offering to help my mum with whatever she was doing.

"So Carrie what are you doing here?"  Cleo asks eyeing the roses that my mother was now putting into a vase and glancing at carrie every other second.

"Thought I'd tell you welcome home." Carrie shrugs still staring at my mum.

"Yes, she even brought you roses!" My mother smiled.

My eyes moved back into a glare as Carrie blushed before scratching the back of her head. I huffed.

"Nadia darling, maybe we should leave them alone so they can catch up" my mother says, though a bit tightly.

Though the moment she does Cleo is tightening her arms around my waist and burying her face in the crook of my neck, as I start to run soothing patters into her thighs.

"N-no that's alright, and actually those roses are for you." Carrie shouts, standing up to as if to make a point before trailing off.

My mother smiles softly before blushing and saying thank you. While Carrie slowly sits back down on the stool.

"Mommy I'm starving!" Andrew yells seeming to interrupt the moment.

"Call for pizza you're old enough." She grumbled though moved to kiss Andrew on the cheek and hand him the takeout menu.

She suddenly looks exhausted the toll of running and creating a fashion show must be hitting her, quickly, Cleo and i grab her luggage and usher her to her room, though it's up on the second floor, we know it will be worth it as she won't hear us kids down stairs and be in the comfort of her own bed. She groans walking up the stairs but we hear a loud audible sigh when she runs to her bed laying face down on her bed. Causing me to laugh before shutting the door and leaving my mum in peace.

"That was kind of odd wasn't it?" Cleo asks as we make our way down the stairs.

"What was?" I ask.

"Just that interaction between Carrie and you're mum." She states.

I look over at her as she has a puzzled calculating look on her face.

"What do you mean?" I ask mentally humming the tune.

"Just that" she then looks down at me and smiles softly, "nevermind, I must be imagining things" she laughs a little before grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

Causing me to giggle before we're standing at the counter where Carrie looks at a loss looking at Andrew whose glaring.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing I was just leaving, see you two at school" Carrie shrugs walking away.

We don't wait to hear the door close before Andrew is dialing our local Chinese restaurant and ordering delicious greasy food. Causing all of us to cheat as the food in Rome was fresh and delicious it was also super healthy and good for you, and I was dying to eat something deep fried, and covered in gluten.

As we were waiting for the food to get here, Cleo and Andrew seemed to be playing a game as to who could piss the other one off more, both poking and slapping each other  before running away and giggling. It was entertaining until Andrew hit Cleo a little too hard for my taste, and I'm sure she didn't really feel it though she hissed in pain, she started laughing right after, I however couldn't get the sound of the slap out of my ears, so I tackled my brother to the floor.

"Don't you hit my girlfriend." I snarled.

Before I released the tickle monster, tickling him until he was crying begging me to stop. Cleo soon jumped in taking over when we heard the bell ring. Andrew seemed to grow super human strength pushing us both of and sprinting towards the door as we followed giggling. However when the door swung open, instead of seeing a delivery boy, we saw daemon. Daemon black.

His brilliant green eyes were bright and fascinating their seemed to be charged emotions in the air between the both of them, so we slipped upstairs leaving them to talk alone.

I don't even know what to say about this chapter I hope you all enjoy and what do you think of her mum and Carrie... Tell me with your comments and please vote they both mean so much to me I love you guys!!! 💖

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