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The moment Glenn and her reached the house, Athena took over of instructing the rest of the clueless group what to do while Glenn dragged Maggie to help him shoot down any fast approaching walkers.

"What's going on?" Lori called out cluelessly, Andrea and the rest then following her voice with their very own stream of questions. Athena, who was becoming very flustered, huffed irritatedly before she silenced everyone with a loud whistle.

"Hundreds of walkers are at the edge of Hershel's farm and are making their way here at this very moment we're speaking." Athena said strictly, watching as the entire group of adults listened to every word from her mouth as if it was the cure for the disease spreading. "Maybe around six hundred, five hundred if we're lucky. Either way, this farm is going down and we're leaving, just like Andrea said. Get your stuff, but mainly get blankets and the coats we brought yesterday. Load them in the truck." Athena said. Andrea even inputted on which trucks to take and which directions to go, and like that, everyone began to bustle about, following the brunette's and blondes's strict orders until Athena called out, "And remember, kill anything that tries to kill you."

Athena then took off, knowing that Carol or Lori would pack her things, but went inside and swung her backpack on quickly anyways. There were photos of her family in there, things she needed in order to survive the world they were in. She couldn't risk leaving that behind.

As she ran towards the perimeter of Hershel's farm, her eyes caught that in the corner of all the chaos taking place, the barn that held former walkers was bursting up in large and hot flames. But that wasn't what made her stop momentarily, it was the fact that a man and a boy ran from the building just as the pieces of wood that formed the structure began to fall.

Even in the dark and slight red flames, she could see that it was Rick and Carl, the two she was worrying about ever since Lori had said that Carl had disappeared into the night. Her heart slightly calmed down, but that didn't stop the fear that bubbled in her stomach when all of the walkers began to break through the third and final fence at the farm quarters.

Athena neared the falling fence anyways, the last fence that could stand against walkers before they flooded the house and tent area. Only a few were close enough for Athena to run over and plunge her axe into their skull, but even as many fell and the help of Glenn Rhee and the others shooting from moving vehicles, the fence fell and exposed everyone to the flesh eating deceased human beings.

Holstering her axe much to her dismay, Athena pulled out her gun and began shooting anything that came close to her. One down. Then two. Soon three, and minutes later Athena had killed around seventy walkers in total, but that wasn't enough. They kept duplicating, making her retreat back to the house when she ran out of bullets and they were beginning to claw away at her clothes.

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