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     Athena could feel all color drain from her face at the sight of Glenn holding up Rick's jacket, his eyes averted to the large shirt lying only inches away from her books. Her mouth was slightly open, lips parted as her mind searched for words that could possibly get her out of the mess that was to come. But she could not think of any, making Glenn more uneasy as his eyes twisted and face fell at her lack of explanation. There was no getting out of this—Athena knew that. The truth would come out sooner or later, and there was no way she could withhold such a thing from someone she cared for with all her life.

"I slept with him." Athena said calmly, the sentence falling from her mouth in both a daze and a rush. She could feel her hands begin shaking, the very mention of it sending chills down her spine. Athena kept her eyes on the floor, not wanting to meet his gaze in fear of the disappointment or judgement that would cloud them. But she did, nonetheless, and felt her chest hollow at the sight of meeting nothing but a cold expression and deadly dark eyes.

"You slept with Rick?" He repeated, as if to confirm it, but he already knew. Athena bit her lip as her eyes dropped to the floor. "Why?"

"What do you mean why?" Athena said back harshly, trying her best to remain clam. "I slept with him because I wanted to."

"I don't believe that." Glenn said back, hands curling in and out of fists before he raised to run his fingers through his hair. "I didn't expect—"

"Well it happened," Athena interrupted, sitting up and covering her legs with the blanket cascaded on her bed. "And I can't change the past, but Glenn I—"

"Just stop, please."

Glenn resisted from speaking out again, seeming to be holding back his tongue as he stared Athena dead in the face. The brunette continued to keep her solid gaze from him to prevent herself from breaking down. She slept with Rick because she thought it was right in the moment—but it wasn't. Athena damn right knew what—who—she truly wanted, but still she continued to place even more obstacles between the two of them.

"I don't know what to say." Glenn said quietly, but his tone was as thick as venom and tone laced with disbelief even so. "You slept with Rick—"

"And?" Athena finally snapped, "Why are you so upset about it?"

The words left her lips in such a hurry that she didn't have time to process them, and once they reached his ears and his face contorted into hurt, Athena knew she had made an even bigger mistake when he turned on his heel to leave.

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