Keely swiped her card through the slot so that the alarm wouldn't go off when she opened up the doors for the studio.
It was seven in the morning so no one was here yet, she was going to be here all day with Seth because Marco had booked the studio until midnight. It was good thing that this was UAE's studio or else the studio would cost them a fortune, she still didn't know how they were going to get the money to record on the road for the album.
And what's with the seven in the morning thing? She wondered vaguely, pushing the door open with her hip to accommodate her filled hands. Keely couldn't understand why Marco would book the whole studio for the whole bloody day.
Still, she liked the studio like this, quiet and peaceful. There was no one else around, not even a secretary. It was very much unlike the bustling place she'd grown accostumed to. Although it was obvious Seth had beat her there for the morning, there were still lights guiding her way all the way down to their habitual studio C.
Yet, even though she liked the studio more when it was empty, Keely knew she liked it all the time. If she was being a fanciful person, this would feel like a home, more than her hotel room at least, plus here, unlike in Bellingham, she got to be who she truly was and who she wanted to be, it was a rare gift and she meant to savour it. So it appeared she not only had her heaven in New York, but a home as well.
Finding the door with the white C painted on it, Keely shoved it open with her hip. Automatically she found Seth already inside the studio. He had his back to her, doing something over the sound panel. He was wearing a plain pair of dark jeans and an open blue flannel shirt.
"Hi..." she said quietly, letting the door close behind her
"White flag of truce for the day?" he asked without turning around and waving a white napkin.
Resisiting the urge to roll her eyes, she stepped forward, and said, "Read my mind."
He turned around, and now she had the chance to see he was wearing a grey v-neck underneath the open shirt. Keely offered him a coffee she had picked up on the way from the tray she was holding. "Here's my temporary peace offering," she proclaimed.
Nodding, he took the cup of coffee and after a deep sip from the mug he turned to the control panel to set up for the song. "You want to go set up the mike out there," he said, nodding towards the sound booth and not looking up.
Without a word, Keely nodded, knowing that any remarks on her part might cause their little truce to become void. And she was not really in the mood to have a grumpy ass of a producer in the studio with her all day. So she just walked silently into the sound booth.
Coming back, she found Seth still tinkering around with the sound board, her curiousity was peaked, she wanted to know everything about it, but Marco and Colton hadn't bothered to tell her yet.
But she only said, in a quiet voice, "Am I going to be doing the guitar track or vocals right now?"
"You play the guitar?" he asked, swivelling the chair.
Seeing as ten minutes before he had been waving a napkin in the air as a truce of truce for the day, Keely was really making an effort to honour the cup of coffee peace offering. But - though there was this blockage with him, she assumed to was from the fact he was the personified image of everything she hated in music - oddly, it wasn't proving to be too hard.
Maybe it was because she had learnt one of her favourite places in the world was the studio, it was odd how she had just spent a month here and she knew where her place was. In some part of her mind, Keely was already making plans if her album flopped that maybe she could become a producer.

Just What I Needed
Teen FictionIn life there are things that are said, and then there are those that remain unsaid. For Keely Staub, her life mostly remained in the latter category. She kept the one true love, music, hidden from even her best friends. But when one song changed th...