Once again Keely was woken up by something other than her choice of songs or natural waking.
Not bothering to open her eyes she groaned, mumbling something illegible under her breath and smacking away the CD she must have fallen asleep on before rolling over to the other side. But when the CD came back again, her eyes snapped open, most inanimate music cases didn't move around.
But all she saw was brown in front of her eyes.
Frowning, Keely she shoved a hand through her ginger bangs, scattering them away from her eye line before shoving herself upwards.
The moment she saw the warehouse, she remembered where she'd fallen asleep the night before, but what she didn't remember was the knit blanket that had fallen off the top of her body as she sat up.
“You can be happy you don't snore.”
Giving a short chortle in the back of her throat, Keely rubbed her eyes tiredly. “That is exactly what I needed to know, it's been the mystery of my life up until now.”
Sending her an amused glance, Seth just sipped on the disposable coffee mug in his hand calmly, leaning against the wall. His hair was messier than normal, sticking up in places, yet somehow managing to look stylish at the same moment. He had to be born with the talent of his hair always looking good, Keely observed, hers always looked like a rat's nest.
“Glad to be of service,” he replied simply, and she couldn't help but notice that those dark circles beneath his eyes had been alleviated just a bit. Holding a hand out from his mug, he pointed towards a rickety end table, saying, “There's some coffee if you want it.”
Instantly Keely was throwing off the quilt and crawling off the large couch.
Taking a huge swing from the disposable mug, she let out a satisfied sigh when she found that it was exactly the way she liked it, two creams and one sugar. “You're officially my favourite person on the planet right now,” she proclaimed, still focused on the coffee.
Seth gave a short – but real – laugh, returning, “And how long will that last? Forty minutes?”
Pretending to ponder the question, she answered him, “Probably thirty five if you're really lucky.”
“Oh, I feel so blessed.”
Ignoring his sarcastic comment, Keely continued to sip on her coffee, beginning to take in her surroundings more studiously. Only then did things start falling into place. Coffee, a blanket, sun shine flooding through the windows, even if it was murky, Seth looking well rested for once. Eyes wide, she looked back to him, “What time is it?”
“I was wondering how long that would take you,” he replied, smirking at her, “And you said you weren't unobservant.”
He just waved away her exclamation with his hand. “It's about ten on Monday morning, welcome to the world of the living.”
Digesting that information, she just held the cup loosely in front of her. That meant she'd managed to sleep the whole night, but not at her hotel room. And, oddly, the thing that bothered her the most was the time. “We have the studio in a half an hour.”
“Yeah, I know,” Seth answered, watching her with that same amused expression. “That's why I woke you up, rebel.”
“Ah...” she breathed, “You were the CD.”
Brushing back the bangs that had obscured her vision again, Keely just said, “Never mind.”

Just What I Needed
Teen FictionIn life there are things that are said, and then there are those that remain unsaid. For Keely Staub, her life mostly remained in the latter category. She kept the one true love, music, hidden from even her best friends. But when one song changed th...