Just What I Needed (66)

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Carefully Keely looked around the corner of the hallway, making sure she was hidden almost entirely. The hallway was completely inoffensive, the beige walls typical of a hotel. She had the hood of her baggy grey hoodie pulled over her rather tell-tale hair, hiding her from anyone that might have the chance to recognize her, the hood shadowing her face as well.

Finding that there was a clear path, she hastily moved down the hall, running as lightly as she could manage.

At the door with the right number, Keely skidded to a halt, peering over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching. Once again seeing nothing but empty hall, she turned the door knob, sneaking into the room quickly.

With a sigh, she closed the door softly, leaning back against it with her eyes closed.

“What are you doing?”

Unsurprised she just pushed the hood off her head, shaking her hair out of her eyes as she finally looked further into the motel room. “I’m hiding from the cameras,” she replied to Seth, pushing off her sweater completely as she shoved off the door and moved into the room.

Slinging her sweater over the chair in the fancy room, she just frowned, crossing her arms over the baggy striped tank top she was wearing. “What are you reading now?” she questioned, peering down at where he was lying on his back with his head on the pillows, the book he’d been reading still posed above him despite her abrupt appearance.

“Victor Hugo,” he replied, running a hand lightly over his face and sending her that crooked grin.

Stepping closer, she leaned over the edge of the bed, hoping to see the pages. “Language?” she interrogated.

“French,” he answered, moving so that the tattered paperback was held in just one of his hands. Keely frowned slightly as he shifted forward towards her, but didn’t have the presence of mind to back off before he was gripping her lightly by the hand and tugging her forwards onto the bed.

Startled laughter escaped her lips as she fell forward inelegantly into the comfortable mattress. Not staying long in her sprawled position, she crawled hastily up so she was kneeling on top of the soft duvet.

Gripping one of the many pillows having been provided, she smacked him lightly across the face, making Seth laugh loudly, snatching it from her hands and tossing it to the side. “I knew there was a reason I didn’t like you,” she accused jestingly.

“You love me,” he joked, sending her a quick look through his smiling eyes before turning his gaze back to his book.

Even though it was said in a joke, her whole body tensed in nerves. He couldn’t know, could he? Training her facial expression, she twisted around, sending the door a distrustful look. “Do they know where your room is?”

“I’ve been able to keep it hidden for now.”

With a sigh of relief, Keely flopped back, landing beside him companionably. Being stuck in the bus with Meredith and Ewan for the entire trip had been bad enough – she wasn’t in doubt that they’d show the shot of her in the morning to the entire world – but they followed her wherever she went since they’d gotten to California. She’d found that her best defense was simply to cut away from the boys, meaning that Meredith and Ewan had to make the choice of following her about or NSR.

But at the moment, she knew very well that their two person camera crew had gone out with Marco and Colton for a late lunch. And since they knew where her hotel room was, she’d fled to Seth’s. So as long as they didn’t find them here, this was her safe haven away from the constant camera lens focused on her.

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