Just What I Needed (27)

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"So you're going to take me into a warehouse and kill me," Keely stated, her nose wrinkled upwards slightly.

Colton snorted, killing the engine to the car. "Oh, so you're an optimist are you?"

"Always, the glass is always optimistically half empty."

"You do know that made no sense at all, right?" Marco enquired, twisting in his seat to look at her.

"No shit, Sherlock," Keely replied dryly.

Keely was sitting in the back of Colton's car, holding onto the three pizza boxes due to Marco's orders. It was a mystery to her why the three of them needed three pizzas to themselves, but apparently her logical arguments had no holding over Colton and Marco's decision making. But she had almost forgotten about the pizza, as her eyes were more focused upon the part of town they were in.

At first Keely had believed they were taking her to the abandoned club that Seth owned, but they'd taken a few rights when there should've been a right. She hadn't mentioned Seth's club though. She didn't know why she was holding onto the information, but Keely couldn't get rid of the feeling that she shouldn't be talking about the place, which confused her beyond belief, it wasn't as if Seth had told her to keep it a secret. Yet, here she was, holding back her words.

All she knew was that if Marco and Colton didn't mention the fact that Seth owned a run down bar that people hadn't stepped in for years, she wasn't going to either.

So they were now in a part of the city with large warehouses, run down as well, with the crumbling walls. It seemed the boys had a thing for old buildings. The population in the streets was rather sparse, but that didn't bother Keely.

"C'mon," Colton said, shoving open the door and climbing out, "Let's go."

Hastily Keely threw the pizza boxes into Marco's arms, snagged her bag, and climbed out from the back seat, allowing Colton to take her hand in order to steady her. It was better than falling to the ground, she had enough bruises.

"Why did I have to come here or else I'd die a slow and painful death?" Keely asked, looking around them.

"I believe I said a slow and torturous death," Marco put in, walking beside them.

Colton quickly reached around and slapped his friend behind the head.

Grinning slightly, Keely swung her bag over her shoulders, letting it cross in front of her body as she fell in perfect step beside Colton as they crossed the empty road.

"You had to come here," said Colton, finally answering her question. "Because you and Seth have been locked in that freaking studio so long that we're afraid you've become vampires, and we had to take you out into the light to see if you either had a very nasty burning death or sparkled."

This time it was Keely who reached up and smacked Colton in the back of the head. "We haven't been locked up in the studio that long, and we're not locked anyways."

Marco rolled his eyes, peeking around Colton to look pointedly at her. "Dude, I doubt you've even seen the sunlight in a week. And Seth, well, Seth's been at the studio almost all day and night, even when you're not there, working on our new album."

"Oh, yeah," Keely said stupidly, she'd forgotten they were making their third album. "How's the sound change up going for you?"

"It'd be better if Seth wasn't threatening to kill us every time we complained," snorted Colton.

"Okay, seriously," Keely said, holding back a grin as she shoved a hand through her hair, causing the red to fall away from her forehead. "Can you just seriously tell me why we're here? That's all I want to know."

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