Just What I Needed (52)

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 “Keely, Keely wake up!”

Moaning, she just rolled over in the tight space of her bunk, keeping her eyes tightly closed against Marco's voice in her ear. “No,” she said clearly, burying her face into the pillow comfortably, thankful for the sudden seclusion that it brought her.

“C'mon, I promise you want to see this Keel!”

“And I promise you that I want to sleep!”

“Just come watch this, please!”

This time she groaned, flipping over angrily in the bed. Musicians were never known for being quite happy after being arrested, bailed out, two hours of sleep and then dragged out of bed to jump on the tour bus then sleep on those crappy bunks. “One of these days when you wake me up I'm going to punch you in the face,” she told him sharply, kicking of the blankets and pushing herself upright. “Or better yet, I'll get Seth to do it.”

“Seth wouldn't,” answered Marco confidently, his face smug as he held a hand up to her.

“Yes I would,” called the bored voice of the man in question.

Chuckling lightly at the indignant look on Marco's face, Keely grasped the hand he offered, hopping lightly from the top bunk.

But when her feet hit the floor she gave a dangerous sway. Letting go of his hand abruptly, she gripped the edge of the bunk across from hers, attempting to steady herself. She may not have consumed enough alcohol to give her a hangover after her long sleep, but that didn't mean she wasn't feeling rather unsteady.

“Did you get new feet or something there, Keel?” asked Marco, grinning broadly at yet another display of her obvious lack of grace.

Feeling a bit too groggy to scowl, Keely rolled her eyes before moving down. “If you would have let me wake up on my own, like a normal person, I might be able to walk like a normal person too.”

“I sincerely doubt that.”

Hiding a yawn behind her hand, she pulled to a stop, looking in the direction of the voice. She found Colton sprawled across the black couch casually, a pillow cushioning behind his back with the remote controller in his hand.

After a moment she came to the conclusion that there would be no point arguing with them, they’d either make her laugh or give her a sudden urge to smother them with pillows. It wasn’t unheard of, truly, she had to fit back that urge quite a lot really. Crossing her arms across her chest, Keely leaned forward, peeking around to look at the television.

Her eyebrows flew up into her messy fringe of ginger hair. “You wanted to show me a commercial for genital herpes?”

“Shit, is it gone already?!” exclaimed Marco, rushing past her at such a speed she stumbled forward.

For a mere few seconds Keely watched the boys as they tugged the remote between them, shouting at each other while attempting to reassure her that everything would be fine, and they could show her their findings in naught but a couple minutes.

Blinking she pulled herself out of the reverie, not appreciating being caught in the stare. Tearing her eyes away from where they had began to wrestle over the remote; Keely caught sight of the back of a dark head sitting at the booth at the front of the bus. Stepping delicately over Colton’s legs that were flung across the small path, she made her way, dodging debris, to the front of the bus.

Casually she leaned her hip against the side of the booth beside him, resting one hand on the top of the bench behind him as she reached over his shoulder, snatching up the coffee that was next to his elbow.

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