Chapter 6-Shape of my heart

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Dont tell me youve never heard of alcohol withdrawl. I dont know the symptoms, well kind of, and coughing up blood probably goes along with liver failure which, in my case, is the result of lack of alcohol which my body has adapted and learned to thrive on it. If that makes sense.

"Felicity, are you sick?" Thea said, eyeing me sadly. Her eyes glimmered against the powerful fluorescent lights above us.

"Uh." I said, trying to figure out what type of sick she meant. Technically I am sick, although its not an actual sickness like hypoglycaemia or cancer. But this could lead to cancer-maybe. Seizures are a big factor in alcohol withdrawl—

My worrying was cut off by Thea's "Felicity, you can tell me." She said, placing her hand overtop of mine in a friendly, comforting way.

But I couldn't let her think I was sick. Not sick like those amazingly strong people fighting cancer, or even the ones with another illness. I was not, nor ever going to be strong like them.

I moved my hand from under Thea's. "No. Not technically." I said, hoping that I didn't have to explain.

And then she asked the exact question that the voice inside me was screaming at her not to ask. "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." I paused for a brief moment, trying to carefully plot my words. I pinched my eyebrow and planted my face in my hands, and then I forced myself to look Thea in the eyes. "I mean that I'm an addict."

I had never said those words out loud in my entire lifetime. I felt my throat start to clench and a tear filled my eye and fell down my cheek. I tried to wipe it away before Thea could notice but she hadn't taken her eyes off me.

"I could tell you a million things right now, but none of them will help this situation. I could tell you how stupid you are for drinking away your problems, spending your nights curled up in bed drowning yourself in tequila or at the bar is a waste of your talent. But thats not the shape of my heart. What I will tell you, is that you are a strong, capable woman. Your troubles wont go away with a drink or a pill. You aren't alone in this, and there are hundreds of support groups and rehab places in star city." Thea said, almost poetically.

Who knew a billionaire could be so sympathetic.

I smiled shallowly at her, sending a thank you through my eyes.

The door on the other side of the room jiggled as keys were put into the handle of the door.

I looked at Thea and got to my feet as fast as I could. We both sprinted to the door, hiding behind it so that when he opened it he wouldn't be able to see us.

We got there just in time and the door opened immediately.

Donny walked in, looking at the papers he was holding. He was also holding a computer. "So, I think its time to get in touch with the real world, no?"

Thea tightened her grip around me and she quietly helped me around the door as fast as we could. He still didn't notice, so we started to run. We heard shouting behind us when he realized we were gone, and we were already down the hall and out of sight. My leg was burning hot, and I could feel my stomach lurching.

There was a lot of shouting behind us, but we never looked back.

We rounded the corner and came to a door. It was locked.

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