Chapter 29-Piece by Piece

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2 Months Later...

Some people just have to realize how lucky they are. The feelings people dont even realize they feel in the moment are the most crucial ones. The ones we forget we even have in the moment but as we look back we wish we had more time to soak in. Those times where you're just so focused on something else that you cant take a step back to realize how truly amazing the moments we have are. No matter how simple.

Even little stupid things like having a traditional family. The ones that sit at dinner every night or at least once a week and talk about their day. The people who have privileges that some of us would die to have. The people who dont take into consideration the amazing things about their life. The negative people. Those are the ones I cannot stand.

And then there's the people who have the nerve to do whatever they want. The ones that are everybody's favourite through a screen but the most hated through your eyes. Everybody's favourite character on tv, but the one people cannot stand if it were real life. The ones who claim to have different motives than what they actually do.
Or maybe Im the one who is being naïve. Maybe Im making up excuses to distance myself from that person.


I cant believe I actually fell for Donny's bullshit.

I fell for him when he looked at me with meaning and deeper than just a glance into your eyes to say that he's listening. He made me feel like I was worth something. Like I mattered to someone. He made me feel alive.

But then he turned his back on me. Or maybe it was turned to me the whole time, and I fell for the tattooed face between his shoulder blades.
I knew what I was getting myself into to begin with, I had watched him do the exact same thing to someone else before.

But that little bit of lust turned from a normal occurrence for him to an obsession with me. Something that you cannot just undo with the words "stop" or "no". 

And thats partially why I left Star City for a while. I needed time to think. Time to breathe and remember. Time to cope and put those memories and feelings even farther down the grave that I dug for him. For Donny.

I had to go to the extreme to reach normal again.


I get off the train and see a friendly face waiting for me. He smiles big and opens his arms as I run toward him.

Oh how I missed his smell. The smell of his skin soaked in that masculine scent. The one that always seems to linger. The smell of home.

Hi guys. Im honestly not even sure when i wrote this chapter but it was so long ago that i cant even remember. i decided i would just post it the way it is because i dont have time to keep writing anymore and i figured why would i delete this if its going to entertain a few people and if i wrote it anyways.

so im sorry but i honestly dont think i will update this story as i dont even have time to watch arrow anymore and have a lot to do with school right now and its not going to get any easier for me

thank you all for reading this far and i hope you all can accept that this story has come to an end, even though the story is incomplete.

I appreciate all of you taking the time to read this and comment on all my past chapters❤️

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