Chapter 2: The Hand That Rocks the Mabel (Part 1)

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Dipper's POV:

When I first arrived at Gravity Falls, I thought it was going to be the same, boring routine all summer. But I was wrong. About two weeks ago, the day Y/N arrived, I fought one thousand gnomes along side Mabel and Y/N. Since then, together, we captured a sea monster (which turned out to be the local cook, Old Man McGucket) and battled a gang of murderous wax statues. Over the past couple weeks, I feel like Y/N and I have became good friends. She's a pretty cool girl.

Right now, Mabel, Soos, Y/N and I were watching TV. Soos and Mabel were sharing the chair and Y/N and I were sitting on the floor together. I leaned back and accidentally placed my hand on Y/N's. She flinched but she didn't pull away.

We were watching a documentary called "Tiger Fist" when the channel went to commercial. The TV flipped to a scene that showed a blue tent with an eyed, coloured star on the top.

A man's voice started speaking through the TV, "Are you completely miserable? Well of course you are! You need to meet... Gideon."

"Gideon?" I questioned.

"What makes him so special?" Y/N asked.

"He's a psychic," the TV voice answered.

"A who?" Mabel asked curiously.

"So don't waste your time with other so-called man of mystery," the TV explained. The screen showed a clip of Stan walking out of an outhouse with toilet paper stuck to his shoe. The word "FRAUD" appeared on the screen. "Learn about tomorrow tonight at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy."

Mabel grinned. "Wow, I'm getting all curiousy inside!"

Stan walked in the room. "Well, don't get too curiousy. Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothin' but trouble."

"Well, is he really psychic?" Mabel wondered.

"I think we should go and find out," I suggested.

Stan took off his jacked and bow tie. "Never! You're forbidden from patronizing the competition. No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!"

"Do tents have roofs?" Y/N speculated.

"Nice!" I gave Y/N a high five. " I think we just found our loop hole!"

When Mabel, Soos, Y/N and I arrived, we saw a fat man wearing a straw hat standing by the entrance.

"Step right up there, folks. Put your money in Gideon's psychic sack," The man instructed.

We walked into the Tent of Telepathy and took our seats.

"Whoa, this is like a bizarro version of The Mystery Shack," I stated.

"Yeah!" Y/N agreed. "They even have their own Soos." Y/N pointed to a man who looked like Soos, but his name tag read Deuce. Soos glared at him.

"It's starting, it's starting!" Mabel yelled.

A giant shadow grew from behind the curtain. When the curtains parted, a boy about my age (with hair the size of his head) stood on stage.

"Hello America! My name is li'l Gideon," he announced. Gideon clapped his hands and doves flew out of his hair.

"That's Stan's mortal enemy?" Y/N and I gasped in usion.

"But he's so wittle!" Mabel stated.

"Hit it, dad!" Gideon called.

Gideon's dad started playing the piano and Gideon started to sing an annoying, but irritatingly catchy song,"Oh, I can see, what others can't see. It ain't some sideshow trick, it's innate ability. Where others are blind, I am futurely inclined. And you too could see, if you was widdle ol' me! Come on, everybody, rise up! I want y'all to keep it going!

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