Chapter 10: Lightning Strikes (Part 1)

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A/N: Wow. It's been a while... sorry guys. But hey, this is the first episode that isn't based off a previously existing episode, so that's exciting. I was kinda scared to write it, but it was fun to write. Hope you enjoy it!

Y/n's POV:

I need to tell him, right? Dipper has to know about Bill and the dark fate that is apparently awaiting me. He'd want to know. I feel like I'm lying to him by not telling him, but whenever I'm around him, I just can't get the words to escape my mouth. What if he feels betrayed that I'm still talking to Bill?

This wasn't the only thing consuming my thoughts. It's been a few days since Bill's warning and nothing has happened. I don't even think I'm scared about it anymore, I'm almost anxious for it to happen, the curiosity is killing me. I just want to get it over with. I wonder-

"BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mabel screeched as she performed a sloppy twirling dance in front of me, breaking me out of my daze.

My eyes came into focus as I lurched forward on my bed. "Oh, Hi Mabel."

"What's with you lately?" she asked, performing one last pirouette before sitting on the bed beside me. "You seem so distracted and all mysteriousy."

Looking back on it, I guess I have been acting pretty distant the past few days ever since Bill visited me. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that."

"It's okay!! We just have to get you out of your funk!" her thinking face quickly shifted to her idea face. "And I know just how to do that!!"

"Mabel, I-"

Completely ignoring me, she exclaimed, "You need to have some fun! On a date! With Dipper!" her smile grew wider as she spoke.


"Oh, come on, Y/n. You need to have some fun," Mabel smiled, wiggling her eyebrows. "Plus, you and Dipper haven't officialized anything since that kiss and it's about time you did."

This was true. I had gotten myself all prepared to have the "what are we" talk the day after Mabel's puppet show, but once Bill visited me in my dreams that night, figuring out if Dipper and I were boyfriend and girlfriend didn't seem all that important anymore. Bill and his warning have been consuming my thoughts and preventing me from concentrating on anything else. However, I knew Mabel wasn't going to get off my back about this, and hey, maybe it could serve as a nice distraction from my thoughts.

"Alright, fine," I sighed, rolling my eyes half sarcastically with a little smile. "I'll go with Dipper on a date. But only if he wants to."

"Of course, he'll want to, he's had a crush on you for soooo long. OHMYGOSH! I could plan it! It would be the best first date ever!" she said in a sing-song voice, patting my legs with her palms to the rhythm of her words.

"Okay, but nothing too extravagant," I laughed, knowing Mabel's eccentric tendencies.

"No promises!" she jumped off the bed and walked to the door with a hop in her step. "I've got to go get Candy and Grenda!"

Her hop suddenly transferred into a full-on sprint. Not moving from my spot on the bed, I heard Mabel stomp down the stairs. The slamming of the front door quickly followed.

A small laugh escaped me before I rolled over and grabbed my book, Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Lightning Thief, off my night table. It was one of the first chapter books I read, and I still enjoy rereading the Percy Jackson series sometimes. Though, I only got through a couple chapters before Dipper came into the room.

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