Chapter Two

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*Danielle's POV*

I shot awake breathing heavily thanks to the nightmare I just had. I pushed my hair away from my face and checked the time on my watch. It read just after 5 in the morning so I decided to do a little hunting since I was fully aware I wasn't going back to sleep.

I slipped a fresh pair of jeans on along with a fresh shirt before strapping my knife to my thigh and pulling my boots on. I carefully laid my bow outside of the tent before I crawled out myself.

I checked that I hadn't woken Glenn and when I was sure I hadn't I continued into the encroaching forest. I wasn't all that sure if I'd catch anything but I was hopeful. A few rabbits would feed us nicely so I kept an eye for the little creatures.

After searching I came up on a small herd and had them down in minutes. I retrieved my arrows and notched another one just to be careful before I tied some rope around their legs and draped them over my shoulders.

I added two more rabbits to my catch before deciding that I had enough. I carried the rabbits back to camp just as a few of the others were emerging from their tents. Carol was the first to take notice of me and the animals I was carrying so she came over to help.

"I think everyone will be pleased when they wake up to fresh rabbit. I think you'll give Daryl a run for his money." She said taking a few of the rabbits from me.

"That's not the first time I've heard that. Now I'm really curious to meet this Daryl guy." I replied.

"You will soon enough. Let's get these poor animals skinned and cooking." Carol told me.

I got my knife out of its' sheath and soon the rabbits were skinned and dismembered. Dale came out and offered to help as I went to start the fire.

"No I got it but thank you for offering." I smiled.

"No problem. Just yell when it gets done." Dale said before walking off.

After a little while I saw that the rabbits were done so I pulled them away from the fire.

"Breakfast is ready!" I called.

I made sure I got a rabbit breast but handed the rest out to everyone. I got nothing but good praises from everyone and that made me smile.

After breakfast everyone went their own way. A few of the women went down to wash some clothes, I offered to help but my offer was rejected. I was watching people in camp when I watched little Carl walk into the woods.

I picked my bow up and followed him just to keep an eye on him for Lori. I was close to him when I heard him scream. Before I could get to him I heard running behind me. I turned and saw Rick, Glenn, Shane, and Dale.

"Can you see him?" Rick asked.

"I spotted him just a minute or two before he screamed. I think he's over there." I told him before heading in the direction I indicated.

We came up on him and saw what made him scream. A walker was eating a deer with two arrows in its side.

"Yours?" Shane asked.

"Nope, those look like carbon fiber. Mine are aluminum." I replied.

"Somebody should take care of that before it notices we're here." Glenn pointed out.

"I got it." I said pulling my knife out.

I passed my bow to Glenn and walked forward to dispatch the walker. I just had retracted my knife when I heard approaching footsteps. I took my bow back from Glenn and got it ready to fire when I saw a guy walking over to the deer.

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