Chapter Thirty Four

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*Daryl's POV*

It had been a long trip from Georgia up to Virginia but it hasn't been that difficult, apart from finding cars that we could take. Rick, Michonne, Tyreese and Glenn had decided to take Noah the rest of way to his home while the rest of us had stayed back.

"How ya feeling babygirl?" I asked as we leaned against the side of the car.

"Better. I don't feel sick or tired all that much anymore and I think the baby is starting to move." She replied rubbing her growing belly.

I put my hands over hers so I could try and feel the baby move too.

"It doesn't happen alot. Just every once in a while." She sighed.

I nodded and took my hand off the belly. She grabbed my hand and put it back where I had it.

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love ya too babygirl." I smiled back.

"Danielle, I need you to go with Carl and Sasha. Tyreese got bit so Rick cut his arm off but we still have to cauterize the stump." Carol said after she came over to us.

Danielle nodded and headed over to Carl and Sasha.

"So the town's gone?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's gone." Carol nodded.

We waited for the others to get back so we could help Tyreese but it was too late. We dug a grave for him and Gabriel read something from the bible before we turned and left.


*Danielle's POV*

It was getting increasingly difficult for us to keep going and it started putting a strain on Daryl and I's relationship, much like it was before we found the prison, only difference now was Beth and I were the pregnant ones.

We had no food or water left which wasn't good for me or the baby. I was out with Daryl, Maggie and Sasha looking for anything we could eat or drink, not having any luck. Daryl had stopped and started digging a hole so I covered him.

"Here, eat this." Daryl told me.

I turned and saw a wiggling worm in his dirty hand.

"No. I am not eating a worm you just dug up from the ground." I refused.

"Ya gotta eat something babygirl." He sighed.

"You think I don't know that Daryl? I'm fully aware that I'm risking our child's life but one worm isn't gonna do jackshit." I snapped.

"Watch yer tone with me. I'm just trying to help." He growled back.

"I know I know. Sorry I've been grumpy lately. Part of it is no food and the other is the hormones surging through my body." I sighed.

"Hey, we'll be okay." He replied sliding his knife back into his holster and getting up.

"You guys didn't find anything either?" Maggie asked walking up to us.

"No, nothing." I shook my head.

"Let's go see if Sasha had any luck." Maggie replied.

We walked over to the ridge line and looked down at her. She shook her head then climbed back up to join us before we walked out of the woods and back to the others.


"We're out, just like the other one." Abraham announced as our last car came to a stop.

"So we walk." Rick replied.

Arrows and Angel Wings [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora