Chapter Twenty Two

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*Danielle's POV*

I was getting shook awake by rough forceful hands and I knew those hands belonged to the man I loved but I wasn't all that happy about it. I just wanted to sleep.

"What is it Daryl?" I groggily asked.

"Me, Rick and Hershel are goin out to meet the Governor and I promised ya that if I went outside the gates ya'd be with me so get dressed. We're leaving in 15." Daryl replied.

I got up and quickly got dressed while Daryl leaned up against the cell wall. I pulled on my jacket and made sure I had enough ammo in my gun before I followed Daryl out of our cell. Once we got down the stairs I heard wolf whistles and chuckles that had to belong to one person. I turned around to see Merle leaned up against the cellblock wall with a huge grin on his face, that made me uncomfortable.

"Daryl, why is your brother looking at us like that?" I asked.

Daryl shrugged his shoulders and became extremely interested in the dirt under his fingernails.

"Daryl, tell me why he's looking at us like that." I told him more insistent this time.

"He fucking heard us the other night. Is that what ya wanted to hear? I made ya let it out and my brother heard it all." Daryl told me.

"All of it?" I questioned.

"Every word, each time ya called me 'Daddy' and each time I called ya 'babygirl', 'princess' and 'baby'." Daryl replied.

I blushed a deeper red than I ever have before and went to hide me face in my hands.

"Hey, don't be like that. It finally got him to stop calling me 'Darylina' although the 'Daddy' thing fueled some new jokes but he ain't gonna say a thing to ya. I made sure of that." Daryl told me moving my hands away from my face.

I swallowed my embarrassment and nodded my head. Daryl smiled and wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head. We only stood like that for a few seconds before we broke apart and headed outside to meet up with Rick and Hershel. We didn't say anything to each other we just got ready to leave with Rick and Hershel in the car and me and Daryl on his bike. Daryl got the bike kick started before I climbed on behind him and got situated right before I wrapped my arms around Daryl's waist. Carl opened the gate for us and we left the safety of the prison.

It was a little bit of a drive before we reached the meeting spot but I was enjoying the feeling of behind on Daryl's bike with him. Sure the prison was secure and had walls to keep the walkers out but I couldn't be caged behind fences all the time, I needed to get out and see something other the same four walls. We pulled up to an old mill and shut off our engines. Daryl and I climbed off the bike before I looked over to see Rick getting out of the car.

The look Daryl gave me was simple but it was an order nonetheless. Rick and him were going on to scout and I was to stay with Hershel. I nodded and quickly kissed Daryl before I went over and got in the passenger seat of the car. Hershel had one of the sniper rifles and I had my pistol out and ready to fire if the need arose. It was a tense and silent few minutes until I saw Daryl walking back alone. Hershel started the car and drove over to him.

"He's already in there. Sat down with Rick." Daryl informed us.

"I don't see any cars." I pointed out.

"Yeah, it don't feel right. Keep it running." Daryl told Hershel.

Hershel nodded and out of the open window I heard a car approaching.

"Heads up." Daryl told us smacking the car hood as he walked around the car.

Hershel and I quickly climbed out of the car, well it took Hershel a minute longer than I did because of his crutches. I went directly over to Daryl's side and raised my gun. Daryl moved around some as the doors on the other vehicle opened, making sure I was shielded.

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