Sorry To Disappoint...

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Now before anybody freaks out, I'm finishing this, I just meant sorry to disappoint you but this wasn't an update, it's to explain why this and a few other stories haven't been updated.

It all started on New Years Eve, Daddy started having some bad pain in his back so we took a trip to the ER, or A&E to all my UK readers, we spent a few hours there and found out that he had something wrong in his neck so he had to go to a specialist and during this time he's been off work so I moved in with him to help out and between helping out around his place and spending every second I can with him I haven't really written much, althrough I do have written, it's just taking longer than it usually does.

But back on topic, Daddy got some answers Friday and is starting to get better and has somewhat of a treatment plan so things are starting to get better. I think that we're actually gonna really move in together in a few months or at least that's what I'm taking from some of the things he's been saying, and I really hope we do since it'd be really hard going back to my previous living arrangement after being at his place.

Now keep an eye out for new chapters, they're coming, just no promises on that being soon.

XO Dani💜

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