Chapter Five

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*Danielle's POV*

I didn't like being away from Daryl now that I had developed some strong feelings for him while riding with him during some of the drive to Fort Benning. Sadly his truck had ran out of gas so he had to leave it and switch to the bike which I had learned was Merle's at one point. That left me with either in Carol's car or Dale's RV. I opted for Dale's RV since Daryl had decided to take point with the RV behind him.

Every so often I'd raise up and look out the windshield just to make sure he's still out there. Each time I'd feel just a little better. I tried to focus on the book I was trying to read but was difficult when Shane was trying to teach Andrea how to put a gun together and it clear the woman wasn't understanding any of it.

"Hey Shane, want me to give it a try?" I asked closing the book.

"Be my guest. I've done tried my best and she still doesn't get it." Shane replied.

I traded spots with Shane and pulled the pistol I kept from the Atlanta run to rescue Merle from its holster.

"Okay, Andrea watch me." I told her before taking apart the pistol.

I put it back together slowly making sure she saw each step, just the way my dad taught me how from the time I was big enough to look over the kitchen table.

"Okay, think you can try that on yours?" I asked.

"I can try. I gotta say you're a better teacher than Shane is. He wouldn't go slow for me." Andrea told me as she tried to put her gun back together.

"My dad taught me that way from the time I was 7. It's been about 18 years but I can still put a gun back together faster than most people. It all comes with practice, if you keep at it you'll get it I promise." I replied.

I looked out again just to keep myself calm and watched Daryl carefully lead us through the abandoned cars. We were making good progress until I heard a bang then a hissing sound. I saw the smoke from the front of the RV and knew the radiator hose finally went.

"Was that the radiator hose?" I asked.

"Yeah I think it was. Let's go survey the damage." Dale replied.

We all got out of the RV except for Andrea. She wanted to stay and get her gun together. We all went up to the front if the RV and watched as Dale opened the hood.

"It's shot. We aren't going anywhere, not until I can get it fixed." Dale replied.

The others had came over by then and I could smell Daryl before I saw him, the smell of sweat, woods and something else that was almost a minty tone was unmistakable.

"Well might as well see what we can get. Spread out but stay within shoutin distance." Rick told us.

I headed out looking through cars. Part of me didn't feel right about doing that but we needed everything we could get. I didn't make it very far when Rick came running by.

"Walkers. Get under the cars. Now." He told us.

I dropped to my knees and crawled under the nearest car to me. I carefully got my knife out just in case and held it tightly in my hand. My heart was pounding in my chest as I watched the feet shuffle by. It had to be the largest herd we've encountered up to this point and I was worried for everyone else. Under the car in front of me I could see Sophia and I gave her a smile hoping to comfort her.

After a few very long, intense minutes I went to crawl out from under my car but before I could move I saw a walker go for Sophia who crawls out from under her hiding spot and over the guardrail. I moved as quickly as I could and jumped over the same guardrail after her. I managed to get the walker down and killed before running after Sophia. I could see her running about 20 feet in front of me and finally managed to catch up.

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