Chapter Six

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*Danielle's POV*

It had been a few rough hours on the farm. Carl was in bad shape and it was killed me to see the poor kid laying on the bed, pale and bandaged up. I was sitting on the front steps of the large farmhouse when I heard footsteps coming up to me. I looked up to see Hershel, the farm owner coming over.

"What's your blood type?" He asked.

"O Negative. Why?" I replied.

"Carl needs blood and Rick's already given a lot. Would you mind?" Hershel said.

"Not at all." I replied getting up.

I followed Hershel inside and to the room Carl was in. Hershel got the needle and tubing hooked up and my blood starting going into Carl.

"Ya know kid, you got all of us worried. Well maybe not Daryl but that's just him. Between you and me, I think I'm the only one that could worry him about anything. Ya gotta get better for us, your mom and dad especially." I told Carl since I've heard that helps.

Hershel finally said that I had given enough so he removed the needle and tubing. I wasn't aware how much blood I gave Carl but when I stood up I felt dizzy.

"Go with Beth and she'll get you something to build your blood back up, but don't go too far. We might need you again." Hershel told me.

I nodded and followed Hershel's young daughter to the kitchen. She picked up an orange and handed it to me, "that should help." She said before walking off.

I got my knife out and sliced into the orange peel as I walked back outside. I looked around for Daryl and he was over by his tent doing something. I reached the bottom of the steps just to have Sophia run over to me.

"How's Carl?" She asked biting her lip.

"Pretty much the same. Hopefully Shane and that Otis guy get back here soon." I told her.

"Oh." She pouted.

"Hey, he'll make it. I promise. Mr. Greene is trying his best to make sure that happens." I told her.

"I want to go see him but mom won't let me." She sighed.

"I don't blame her. It's just not a good time for you to see him, but I'm sure as soon as he gets better she'll let you." I reassured her.

"Yeah maybe." She said biting her little lip again.

"I'll take you myself if she doesn't and I'll take anything she says to me about it. Now let's go back over to camp, I gotta sit down before I fall down." I replied wrapping an arm around her tiny shoulders.

We went back over to our little camp and I pulled a book from my tent. I wasn't exactly reading it, more like I was using it to hide behind while watching Daryl. I think he must have felt my eyes on him since he looked over at me making me drop back behind my book.

"God, it's like the biggest game of cat and mouse." Andrea said coming over to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I replied.

"Of course you don't. But word of advice, you're not the only one trying to get our other archer's attention, but it looks like you're the only one succeeding." She said before walking away.

I looked over at Daryl again to see Beth talking to him and really obviously attempting to flirt but he wasn't even paying attention. I smiled to myself seeing him given her the cold shoulder so to speak, he was really just being his normal self. I watched them over the top of my book for a few more minutes and watched her walk away with a frown on her face.

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