Chapter Fourteen

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*Danielle's POV*

I woke up alone in the tent which hadn't happened since Daryl and I got together and I started sleeping in his tent. I quickly pulled my jeans and boots on before walking out of the tent. I looked around and saw everyone over by the cars so I jogged over to them.

"Where are y'all headed?" I asked.

"Out to look for Rick, Glenn and Hershel. They've been gone all night." Shane told me.

I ran my hand up Daryl's back under his shirt making him turn around.

"Mornin' sleepyhead." He chuckled.

"Morning." I smiled as he lean down to kiss me.

I pulled back just in time to see the old red and white Chevy blazer coming down the driveway.

"Looks like you won't be going out after all." I pointed out.

We all ran over and I laughed to myself as Maggie went right by her dad and into Glenn's arms. Hershel walked away heading to his house telling Patrica to get the shed ready for surgery. I didn't see any obvious wounds on the men. I then looked into the car and saw a kid inside.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"That's Randall." Glenn simply replied.

"Why is he with y'all?" I asked.

"Let's go inside and we'll talk about it." Rick answered me that time.

We all headed up the stairs and into the large farm house's dining room. The chairs at the table quickly filled up leaving the rest of us to stand. Daryl and I stood  further away from everyone else with one of his hand firmly on my ass.

"We ran in to a few men while in town. Two came into the bar and drew on us causing is to shoot them. Randall and two others were a part of a group and came looking for the men we killed, they also drew on us but we managed to go out the back but not without killing another man. Randall was on the roof of the pharmacy while one of his friends was in a truck. Randall tried to jump off the roof but his leg go impaled on a fence. He was injured so we couldn't leave him behind. He would've bled out, if he lived that long." Rick explained.

"It's gotten bad in town." Glenn added.

"What do we do with him?" I spoke up earning a rough squeeze from Daryl.

"I repaired his calf muscle as best I can, but he'll probably have nerve damage. Won't be on his feet for at least a week." Hershel announced as he joined us.

"When he is, we'll give him a canteen, take him out to the main road and send him on his way." Rick decided.

"Isn't that the same thing as leaving him to the walkers?" Andrea asked.

"He'll have a fighting chance." Rick replied.

"Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are." Shane pointed out.

"He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat." Rick replied.

"Not a threat. How many of them were there? You killed three of their men, took one hostage but they just ain't gonna come looking for him." Shane said in his usual arrogant tone.

"They left him for dead. No one is looking." Rick told him, raising his voice slightly.

"We should still post a guard." T-Dog suggested.

"He's out cold, will be for a few hours." Hershel informed us.

"Ya know what, I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy. Look at this folks, we back in Fantasyland." Shane scoffed as he walked out of the room.

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