Prologue: In Darkness

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I wake in the dark and I can't see a thing. My first reaction is to rub my eyes, I blink a few times and still can see nothing through the dark. I have no idea where I am, or even who I am for that matter, but I do know one thing; my head is aching up a storm. Wherever I am it's cold and feels damp to the touch, I'm in my bare feet and a small breeze is whirling around me and I shiver. I start to feel around myself on the floor, it's cement, maybe a basement; that's what I hoped anyway.

I feel my leg down to my ankle and feel a cold metal something attached to my ankle, I was shackled to the wall, I lean against what I hope is the wall and it\'s so cold it makes me jump, I'm also wearing no shirt, but I am however still wearing my jeans, but they felt very cold.

It\'s cold, I'm half naked sitting in complete and utter darkness, where was I? Who was I? I wished I could remember. There was no sound of life in the darkness, no anything, except my own hoarse breaths and my heart beating out of my chest. I lean forward and move myself along the floor testing the length of this chain around my ankle, I go maybe an arm\'s length away from the wall and fetch up.

This room is so deperately cold, I\'m in a constant shiver and it almost hurts to let the air into my lungs. Not to mention I'm starving and tired too, I try to remember what had happened; but the only thing that comes to mind is me waking here in the darkness. I try hard to remember but all it does is make my head hurt worse, and I lean against the wall again.

Another thing I am sure of is my gender, I know I am a guy, but I really wished I remembered my name and where I was. I was desperate tired, but I was so cold I couldn\'t hardly concentrate, it was bad. I lean there against the cold wall and then I doze off.


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