Chapter 15: Our New Life

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Tyler's POV

That night as we settled in the room, I felt as though there was somewhere that I was supposed to be. As I held Denver he cooed happily; a knock at the door changed his mood though, and he became cranky. I opened the door and there was the manager and instead of a bassenett he had a small crib that he said he was going to put together for us. Ashley was laying on the bed, she is exhausted and I guess I am too.

Ben was in the bathroom, I think maybe cleaning up, and I was waiting for my turn... we were all dirty from the woods and I think that Ashley was quite excited to get some money going so that she could get some make-up to hide her scars. We were all excited to start over, Ben comes out and sits on the end of a bed, holding his ankle as he sat there watching us.

The manager found a small spot to put the little crib and he went right in on putting it together. I looked over to Ashley and she and Denver were fast asleep on the bed. I smiled at this, and went over to sit on the end of the bed. I slowly touched her on the face as she slept, no matter the scars or the past I still thought she was beautiful.

"Ash... Ash...: I whispered. "The crib is here..." she rolls over in a half- asleeo daze.

"Huh... oh okay... I'm up..." she said sitting up.

"Alright..." the manger said. "All done here..."

"Alright." Ben said.

"Now I'm going to give you a couple days to reboot yourselves and then it's time to get to work.. you are more than welcome here as long as you need to be... and if you need anything, anything at all, don't be afraid to ask." the manager says. "Oh and call me Carl.."

"Alright... will do..." Ashley said. Thanks,"

"Not a problem dear," Carl says.

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