Chapter 13: Free At Last

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Ashley's POV

We walked through what seemed to be a wooded area, Tyler was in front and Ben again was behind wit his 2x4 and he looked a little spooked, but we all were. We had no idea if we were going to get out of this place safely, or if we were going to have to fight out way out. Denver is sleeping happily in Tyler's arm as we walk through the area; he seems pretty attached to him really, Tyler I mean... he really does, I mean how many 18 year old guys do you know that would risjk their own lives and futures to save me and my baby? I don't know of any other than these two.

Tyler's POV

It wasn't very bright in this peice of wooded area, but the baby was sleeping in my arm and Ashley seemed to like it, or maybe she liked me. I hoped she did, I adored her and this baby, he was a sweetie. Ben was walking behind me now and Ashley to my left, she looked at me and smiled, I smiled back at her as I walked on. I suddenly stopped, I looked at the two and passed Ashley the baby.

"Shhh... Ben come with me..." I whispered.

"What is it?" Ashley whispered.

"I have no idea, but I hear a voice, or a couple of voices.... I think...." I say looking at Ben.

"Well.." she says grabbing me. "Be careful..." she kisses me.

She kisseda long one, no it wasn't just a peck, this was an 'i love you,' kind of kiss. I could  tell by the way her lips wrapped around mine and the way she was moving her hand to the side of my face. Tyler and Ashley? that sounded good I thought. Or maybe this was a scared kiss, a kiss to show that she really did care and that she didn't want anything to happen to me. She stopped the kiss, turned and then walked away a bit, toward a big tree.

"Wow, you lucky damn duck," Ben says as we walk to the what I  think is voices.

"I had no idea she was going to do that man, honestly.... " I whispered as we walked slowly around a bunch of bushes.

Come to find out what we had thought were voices were actually to fox kits and they were playing, they were fighting each other, that was until they saw us and they bolted. They ran and screeched and then out of a tree came the mother fox. She came at us bearing teeth and growling up a storm, she charged Ben and he swung at her with the 2x4 but barely missed her. She jumped out of the way, then put her tail between her legs and ran back to her tree and babies.

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