Chapter 22: Moving

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Ben's POV

After a while of living at the bar, we had all decided that it would be better for all of us, if we were to move. We told Carl, he said that anytime that we needed a place, or couldn't find one that we were more than welcome at the bar, and also that the jobs would be available if we needed them. We had packed up everything that we had accumulated and we had a place we were looking at. Ashley had packed all the things that little Denver was going to need, and left out a few toys for him. Lttle bugger was almost two, couldn't even believe that we had been out of that Lab that long, now I actually felt free.

Tyler's POV

We were finally getting out of the apartment above the bar, I mea I did think that it was great of Carl to offer it, but for three adults and a toddler, it was kinda small then. We had been working our asses off here for months trying to get enough money to get a place and we had finally gathered a good amount to get a good sized place. We were actually looking at a three beddroom, 2 bathroom place that was just down the road from the bar. It had a good sized backyard for Denver to play in and there was a basement room, it was small, but we could use it as a store room; and there was a fireplace so we didn't have to pay crazy prices for the heaters.

Ashley's POV

After packing all of our stuff we were all pretty tired, we all decided we would stay at the apartment the rest of the afternoon and have a nap. I put Denver in his crib, he cooed a few minutes, then I watched his head hit the pillow and he was out. I sat at the end of a futon that we had up there, Tyler was on the other end and Ben had fallen asleep in the lazy boy. I laid down and no more had I put my head down and Denver started screaming. Ugh, so much for trying to have a nap, after he started in we were all awake.

I stand up, I walk very slowly over to Denver and pick him up, yeah he had  done a duty, he smelled of poop, ughh changing time again. I look at the boys and they are both grinning at me, and then they both run towards the door as if to say, yeah right I'm not changing him. I end up changing him, and then I feed him and put him back in the crib and then I got my nap in.

Ben's POV

We had gotten out of the bar laughing, both of us didn't like changing Denver, but I mean Ashley never liked it either. I walked back into the bar, I asked for a beer and then we both sat at the bar and we both had a drink and chatted about how we were going to get al our stuff to the new house that we were looking at.

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