Chapter 10: The Fight

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Easy," he says.

I lunge at him again with the 2x4 in hand and swing just missing his stomach and hitting him in the leg and flooring him. I grab him by the scruff of the shirt and lift him right up in the air. He is gasping for air now and trying to get away from me, I slam him against the wall and start in on him.

"You dirty son of a bitch! how dare you try to inject a baby, and and infant at that! how dare you try to take our lives from us so you can try and control a city!" I yell at him. "How dare you!"

I drop him and he crawls to his knees, the baby is crying again as I slam the 2x4 against the guys stomach. I walk over to the baby, I tell him it's okay, and by the time I'm done the guy is getting to his feet and trying to run for the door. I grab him from behind and throw him to the floor, he gasps for air and I smoke him in the face. Leaving him motionless and bleeding on the floor.

I pick up the baby and we leave the room, me limping a tad now from where I had beaten the life out of a man. I close the door behind me and then I hear Ben yell for me. I run around the corner and there he is with the girl and I see behind him that there were two men lying on the ground, and they are wincing.

"Lets get the fuck out of here!" Ben says as he, the girl and I leave the hallway and go to my room where I have my superior gun.

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