Chapter 11: Outside The Facility

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Girl's POV

He saved my baby, I was suprised by this, I barely even knerw if this was real, or if it were a dream, I was so confused and tired. We walk into a room, there is a box on the floor and metal pieces are scattered all over the room. A welder sits still plugged in on the plank-bed. It's warm in this room, compared to the one I had just been in, or even the room I was in when I first was taken.

I'd been here maybe a year, if I'm thinking straight, and when I was taken, I had just found out about being a month preeggo, so that made me panic even more when I'd gotten here. The two boys were rummaging in the box, and the one who'd saved my baby boy was now carrying a crazy gun and the bloody 2x4.

The baby starts to fuss and before I have a chance to do anything, The 2x4 boy is holding him and humming a cute little tune. He was a good guy. It was then my deciding that I wanted him to help me raise my baby boy Denver, he was the one I knew I could count on for protection and a caring arm to lean on. I loved him, just like that.

"Alright, let's get out of here," he says as we open the door.

Tyler's POV

"Alright, let's get out of here," I said as I opened the room door.

Ben is behind the girl, we still don't know her name, but I know she's pretty... and the baby is cute too. We creep out of the room and there are no guards to be seen at this point, we walk about ten paces down a hallway and we turn left, and we get to the end of the hallway, and there's a door.

It's a steel door, and it's heavy as hell to move, but I nudge it open. This room is full of medical equipment and there are two seats, there are lights only above the chairs and medial supplies. We turn and leave the room, leaving the door open just a tad, to lure in the guards so we could sneak away.

Ben's POV

The rooms were mostly empty except some supplies, but other than that they were empty. Tyler and the girl were walking ahead of me as I watched our backs. I still had a 2x4, and I was getting a little discouraged about getting out, I thought that we would never find the exit, but we finally did, after two or three more doors that we had tried.

Thi door goes to the outside, it's black as death outside and we had no light, until we get about two feet away from the building a bright light comes on, a siren starts blaring and we are seen. Two doors open and about three men run out of each. More guards yipee! We run as fast as we can to hide and recollect ourselves, we end up behind a garbage bin, one of those big green ones that are usually in alleys in the city and we are all sitting there, Tyler is trying to keep the baby calm, I'm trying to stay calm and keep the girl calm, then I see a string of light from a flashlight and we all huddle together in a ball behind this bin.

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