Chapter 19: In The Cafeteria

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Ashley's POV

We ended up going down to the cafeteria and getting a bite to eat. We got a table and just sat there and talked. Tyler was almost staring at me, he didn't realize that it really didn't bother me in the slightest though, I kid of liked it actually. He gets up and he goes over to the fridge and grabs us each a sandwich and a small yogurt for Denver, who might I add was very content sitting on my lap, as I gave him, his first taste of vanilla yogurt. At first he lets it droll off his tongue, but then he lets me feed him, but everytime I do give him a lil bit, his face is screwed right up, it was so funny.

Tyler's POV

Denver was making soime pretty crazy faces, they were pretty good. It was so funny and cute to see those faces, they were usually the face that says "What the hell is that?" or "mmmm," it was a pretty commical time. He starts to make a fuss and I take him and he stops making a fuss and I continue to feed him. Ashley looks at me and starts to grin, but its that grin that says. "ughh, I envy you," or "ughh why me?" but I knew what the face actually meant.  Meaning, that guys aren't as dumb as girls think we are, meaning, that look meant that she was actually pleased with the way me and the baby were bonding; or she was either madly in love with me.

We were now getting to the point where we were starting to get really worried about Ben, we had been in the cafeteria for a while, we had now finished eating and we were on our way back to the waiting room, when a gurney flew us from the front doors, and from what I saw the guy on it was in in some pretty bad shape. We sat in the waiting room for maybe another hour waiting for news, Ashley dozed off on my shoulder and Denver was snoozing in my arm as I soon dozed off leaning on Ashley's head.

Ashley's POV

We were all asleep, we were dreaming, Tyler was grumbling in his sleep, and Denver was cooing away as well. It was funny how good tempered he was with Tyler, he could be balling and Tyler would take him, and voila, he was fine, like it had never happened. Nevertheless there were more important things that were the things we needed to be thinking about, like Ben, and was he really alright and, hey was this a set up? or was that guy that stabbed him from the freak lab? All kinds of questions were running through my head as I slept with my head on Tyler's shoulder.

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