Chapter 7: The Crew

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Like I was saying, being dragged down the hallway, I couldn't move, my limbs were numb, were cold, and all I could do was mumble and look around. I was taken to another room, but it was the experiments room, it was another darker room, and I could sense that there were others in it. The door opens and I am flung inside, the floor is cold, it starts my heart just a pumping, my lims are not cold or numb anymore as I scoot to the wall on my behind.

"Who are you? Where did you go?" a hoarse voice whimpered.

"I....I....I... I'm Tyler Cooper...." i say to whoever is there with me.

I hear a scooting noise, like maybe someone shuffling over to me, the lighting in tthe room is a dim shade of blue and all I can see through it is a figure of a young man, but by the sounds of him, his looks might've been worse. The light gradually gets brighter of the blue, then goes white and its very bright. I can see the figure now, but the guy looks really badly wounded, like he'd been beaten or something, but his fisique was great, he was rather fit.

I felt kind of badly for him, but why I wasn't quite sure yet. It was semi-warm in the room, and it was just me and fit guy over here, there was two others, a girl and a very young boy, like maybe 1 year old, and the girl looked only to be maybe 17, maybe. She was scarred and red all over her face but the lad was untouched. He must've been new, and she wouldn't let him go, or it was either her lil brother......... or she had a kid here.

She stands up, holding the child and walks over to us, limping the entire time, she sits on the guys left, and my right. She looks spooked too, she's beautiful, and I still don't know her name. I'm confused, she looks at me with that sense of she knows me kind of thing. I have no idea who she is though, but I know one thing, SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!

The child makes starts making a small fuss, she holds him close to her body and he stops fussing, she looks exhausted. She looks at him, he's cooing or something; I look at her and him, I smile. Then all of a sudden she passes him to me and she lays her head on my legs, she falls asleep.

His eyes were so little, he was so little, he was a medium tan, and was maybe 15 lbs if even that. He was pretty little. He smiles at me as I hold him close to the warmth of my body. He reaches his little hands up to me and he grabs my thumb on my right hand. It's too cute, a tear runs down my face.

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