Chapter 1: The Light

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I am awake now, I'm still in the dark, and now ir's not cold, it's hot, because I'm sweating. It is pouring off my face and I feel like I have a fever. I try  to stand, but my legs are very weak, the metal shackle on my ankle is getting hot too, it's also itching up a storm, and my head still aches.

Then a light, from a door, it's so bright. I'm squinting, as a figure walks up to me, from my squinted view, it looks like a man. I slide against the wall, backing away from the figure, from whoever or whatever it was. It could have been my imagination, but it wasn't. The figure grabbed me, unshackled me and dragged me into the light through the door.

It was so bright , I felt exposed, another man grabbed me and lifted me onto a table, then I was strapped onto it. The light was very bright and it took a long while for my eyes to adjust. Then it hit me, I was either an experimental test subject or I was going to be killed, either way I didn't like that idea.

I started struggling in the straps, but they were too strong for me to get loose. one of the two guys that had grabbed me a moment earlier held me feet down as the other struggled to get my legs shakled down. I started trying to scream, but my voice was so hoarse it sounded more like a dying deer on it last moments of life. I felt so helpless and trapped, that is a scary thought.

"HOLD STILL YOU LITTLE RAT!" A voice yells at me.

I wasn't a little rat though, (I knew a few things, but not many) I knew I was 18 and male and I know knew I was helpless, but I knew I was no rat. I struggled in their grip, but they prevailed to strap my legs down.

"I'm.... not a rat!" I said hoarsely.

I had no idea what was going to happen to me or what had already happened to me. I knew I was hungry though. A man awalks up to the table, he has a clipboard and a needle, I try to move my head away, but he grabs it and thrusts the needle into my neck, I watched as a bluish green liquid is pushed into me from this needle. Was this guy a physco? was he bad or good? I was scared.

I passed out.

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