Chapter 12: Racing Hearts

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Tyler's POV

The light passes right by us, and we all let out a slow deep breath of relief. We were all scared shitless, we had no plan and with this many guards there was no way in hell we could get through them all. The girl was shaking like a leaf and the baby looked as those he was on the verge of bursting into tears, we slowly jumped up, into the shadows and ran into the dark and terrifying forest.

"Okay, well now that we are out of their sight I'm going to tell you guys something." the girl says.

"Okay..." Ben says.

"My name is Ashley Anderson.. this is Denver.. and no he wasn't an experiment baby... I was taken when I was a month preggers,.. so who are you guys, or do you even know?"

"Well okay... I'm Ben Grizzley, I'm 18... and ahhh.... well here I am, I think it's been two months since I've been here." he says. "Oh and the enhancement made me have an addiction to carving knives out of toothbrushes..."

"You know, I'm Tyler.. and it's been like a week I think and now i'm obbsessed with guns.... and I'm 18 too and---------."

Ashley interuppts me. "Okay what do you mean obbsessed with guns?" she says. "That gun you have... what kind is it?"

"A cross with the AK-74 and M16... it hold 10 rounds of the 7.62 mm's and it packs a punch..." I say.

"Okay, then why in hell did we hide if it 'packs a punch'?" she asked.

"Because there's a baby in our pressence, that's why..." Ben said.

"Alright, I guess that's a good reason, but shouldn't we get moving?" Ashley says.

"Yeah, I agree..." I said as I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

HelplessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora