Chapter 9:Our Fight for Freedom

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We scurried through the hallways and we finally ran into a couple of workers, they ran at us, fists swinging and we were running at them with a 2x4 and a metal pipe. Ben grinned at me as we charged the two men that were running at us. A guy stopped dead in front of me and I nailed him in the knees and floored him, then I wacked him in the head with the 2x4 until I saw bruises and the guy was nearly in tears. Ben was in the process of beating the shit out of the other guy when it was too late and another guy popped out of no where and clobbered him.

"Ahhh! no!!" he yelled as the guy was trying to drag him away.

"Ben!!!!" I yelled as I charged the guy and barely missed hitting Ben, but flooring the guy.

We ran and kept following the girl's screams, when finally we came to the room where we found her, but the baby was not there with her, he had been taken somewhere else and I could hear his cries. Ben stayed with the girl and I went in search for the baby, I heard him crying and I kept on his track, until there were another bunch of guys that walked out of a room and noticed me running around.

I ran the opposite way and tried to lose them, and did so very quickly, then I preceeded to find the baby. I crept along the hallways and watched very closely for anything. The hallways were dim and chilly too, I found myself almost shivering at one point as I nudged a door open, not only to see the baby being held by a man in a coat, and he had a needle in his hand. I walked in.

The man looks up at me, he grins, I am confused by this.. but I walk right up to him. He sets the needle down, the baby is still crying. He reassures the baby and sets him in a bassenet. He looks up at me and sees the 2x4, and then it hits him. His enhancement drug hadn't made me his soldier it's made me my own soldier for freedom.

 "Hello boy..." he says looking at the 2x4 in my hand. "You going to hit me?!"

"Nope, I'm going to do more than just hit you... I'm going to kill you..." I say as I wipe sweat from my brow.

"Interesting behavior coming from subject 4," he said innto a little microphone by a computer. "Displaying freedom behavior and angressive tendencies..."

"More than agressive pal," I say as I lunge at him with the 2x4. "More like fucking agressive!"

"Easy," he says as he moves aside just out of the way.

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