Chapter 20: From the Gurney

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Ben's POV

The bastard sliced me a good one, he walked up, looking at me, pulled something from his pocket and stabbed me, the pain was intense as soon as the knife was pulled away, I fell to the ground, agonizing pain ripped through me like a surge of lightening. I lay there on the floor holding my wound, Tyler was there and so was Ashley and the baby too, I was scared, and they were too. Then there was the ambulance, the sirens, the EMT's, they seemed to be good fellas.

The ambulance was rather tight, and very bright, the light was hurting my eyes, the EMT's were rushing around me, getting the bleeding to stop, it was doing some aching too, I was in screaming pain, the blood was everywhere and I was starting to feel as though I were going to pass out. They put the mask over my nose and mouth, the mask stunk, I breathed in the air. The pain was starting to subside and the last thing I remember was Ashley, sitting there holding my hand and she wiped a tear away from her face, then everything went black.

Suddenly I wake, I'm in a room, there is a heart monitor beeping away beside me, and an IV attached to my wrist. My gut isn't hurting at the moment, but I feel that there is gauze there and likely there are stitches there too. I feel like a million bucks, I want to get up, but I know I shouldn't, the whole place is white and it almost gives me chills, it almost ominous, like it's godly. Am I dead? I can't be. I'm in a hospital gown, that's white too, there is a small table to my left and there are magazines on it and a glass of water. I look toward the door as it opens, then there are Tyler, Ashley, Denver, and even Carl.

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