Chapter 18: Bleeding

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Tyler's POV

It happened all at once, Ben and I were standing by the bar, the place was packed, there were people everywhere, a guy walks up to me, looks at Ben, pulls something from his pocket, continues looking at Ben, and then Ben's on the floor bleeding.

The guy turns and runs off, Carl chases after the guy and floors him, he drags him out the door and then there are the sirens, cops and an ambulance. I'm leaning over Ben as he is holding his gut, he's bleeding pretty profusely and it's al over the place. Ashley is running up the stairs going after Denver and by the time she gets back the paramedics are in the bar and the guy is in the cruiser on his way to the station.

I jump in the car with Carl and Ashley goes with Ben, holding Denver, we were all pretty sketched about the whole ordeal, it had been a pretty intense situation. I was so worried about him, he was like my best friend, the person who'd helped me break free from the freak lab, that's what we called it anyway. We were rushing behind the ambulance and then we were there at the hospital, and we rushed into the hospital right behind the EMT's and we were sent to wat in the waiting room.

Ashley and I sat in the waiting room, we were in an intense state and we were both rather worried about him. We sat there maybe ten minutes before a doctor came out and started talking about Ben to us, he was saying that Ben was lucky because had the knife gone any deeper than it had, he might've died. He said that Ben was going to be out of work for at least three or four days.

"Well shit," Carl said as he walked to a window and stared out it.

"Doctor, is he stable right now?" Ashley asked.

"He is in surgery right now to see the extent of the damage, but I do believe that he will be fine... and call me Dr. Peterson," Peterson said.

"Alright, so will he be able to go home tonight?" I asked.

"No, he needs the night to stay here so that we can monitor him to make sure that he stays stable... and so that his dressings can be changed." Peterson replied.

"So when he's out of surgery, can we see him?" Ashley asked.

"Yes, yes you can..." he looks at Denver, and then to me. I shake my head. "Oh, I just assumed."

"Dr. Peterson...................... never assume," Ashley grinned.

"Sorry ma'am," Peterson continues. "Anyway, there is a cafeteria down the hall, and there is a high chair there as well, if you all get hungry and need to set him down for a minute, oh and put it on my tab....."

"Thanks," Ashley and I say at the same time.

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