Chapter 16: Money Earned/ Conflict

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Tyler's POV

Those couple of days passed by very fast. After we had stayed the one night, the following day we had ventured to the store and got diapers, food and some newer clothes. The manager also gave us some guaze, and some band aids and stuff. So we were pretty well taken care of.

The morning of the new work day started early, we had to get ready and help the manager with things down in the pub, it was going to be a long little while. Ashley was the first to wake, Denver had started maaking a fuss at 4:00am, it was like a wow kind of wake up call. Good morning world!

"Ashley, get him a muzzle!" Ben moaned as he rolled out of the bed and went to make coffee.

"I'm sorry guys," she says as she pick Denver up.

"It's okay," I say as I pull on my new blue jeans, and pick up my shirt.

"WAHHH!" Denver screams.

"Shhhhh... little man... it's okay....." I say taking him from her.

"Hey!" she says smiling and giving me a playful punch.

 "I think someone likes you Tyler," Ben said as I looked down at Denver, who was now enjoying sucking on my finger, and staring at me with a smile.

"Yeah, you think so?" I ask him laughing.

 So Ashley passed me a diaper and the wipes and then I chNGED HIM, AND PASSED HIOM Bck to her to feed him. A little later after we had gotten him back  in the crib and off to sleep, we slipped downstairs, monitor attached to my hip, we started the day.

"Good mornin'," Carl said as we walked down the stairs and yawned him a geeting.

"Morning," I said as I adjusted the volume on the monitor.

"Hey," Ashley mumbled as she adjusted her belt. Smiling at me, she walked away slowly, like she was purposely trying to lead me on.

"Hey she's kind of a cute one," Carl said. This guy was in like his late 40's, I spoke up.

"She's taken man," I say whistling at her.

"Woo... alright.... just telling the truth..." he continues.

"Alright that's enough," Ben pipes up. "Let's just get to work..."

"Alright, we need to arrange the tables and move the dart board and a few other things that I need you guys to do as well... but they aren't a manditory thing at the moment..." Carl says.

"Alright," Ben says as he watches Carl walk up to Ashley and start talking to her.

"Ben, hey Ben," I say.

"Yeah... sorry just being careful..." he says as he helps me move a table to the opposite side of the room.

"How you two making out?" Carl asks after we'd moved three tables. 

"Just fine..." Ben says, still acting a little pissed.

"Alright, we moved the tables instead of th board, how's she look?" I ask.

"Looks good," he says. "But what if you moved that table about another three feet to the left?"

"Why?"Ben asks. "We just moved it three feet to te left already...." He is still pissed at Carl.

"Because," Carl pauses. "That's what I said...."

"And oh this ain't good enough for you?" Ben's pissed now.

"Ben stop! STOP!" Ashley walks over and steps between them just before I do.

"Control your friend..." Carl says. "Or you're out..."

"Yes sir, sorry..." I say as I grab Ben and pull him aside.

"What the HELL is wrong with you?" I ak him as Carl walks behind the bar.

"I'm tired and he's really starting to piss me off. Doesn't it bother you that he is trying to get really bussy-buddy with Ashley?" Ben asks me.

"Yes, yes it does, but there's a difference between you and I. I know that if he gets tooo buddy-buddy with her, she'll deck him a good one, I know that much about her. I'll be right back," I say as I walk up to Ashley and Carl.

Ashley instantly reacts to me being there by nearly hiding behind me, I can see that she is uncomfortable with him being too close to her. She goes over to Ben and hugs him as I start in on Carl in a nice manner.

"Okay Carl... I'm going to say something, and it's been noticed. You are getting way too close to Ashley... and it's making her uncomfortable.... so I'm saying this, back off.... and not to mention, but if you haven't noticed, she's my girl." I say as I turn and go to her.

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