Chapter 24: The Memories come back, and so does someone else

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 Tyler's POV

The memories started returning now as the days passed and our lives went on. I think that my memories were the worst though, I remember the needles prodding me, I remember the gun intellegence that I still seemed to have, but the worst of all was when I met Ben, we were both in bad shape at that time and we both tried to stick it out as we were experimented on and injected and worse, thrown around by men who were twice our size. 

The others didn't seem to let the memories get to them though, but I found it hard not to thnk of them, as things happened and triggered them. Ashley seemed rather occupied with Denver these days anyway, just helping him understand things, and that we were all actuallu=y family, but not by blood, and other toddler things like learning to color, and draw and things like that.

Ben, well he seemed to not let anything get to him now adays he just let it go, seemed to be able to block the thoughts quite well, usually though we were all occupied with work and paying bills and getting a vehicle we could all travel around in, instead of walking everywhere.

 A few days passed where all we did was sit in the house due to a crazy amount of rain, we sat, ate, watched movies, and slept for maybe three days straight. The last day it was supposed to rain, it had rained really hard for the whole night, it was the morning that the rain was supposed to stop; the doorbell rings.

"Who's out in this weather?" Ben questioned.

"I don't know," answered Ashley, Denver cooing in her arms.

"I'll check," I replied as I got up from the Lazyboy and headed to the door.

*ringa ling dong* went the doorbell. 

I peek through the window beside the door, a man, standing all in black, hoodie, pants and even sunglasses. I had no idea who it was, I was a tad nervous as I opened the door to greet the stranger.


"Hello Tyler, are the others with you? Ashley? Ben?" the voice is familiar.

"Umm, I think you have the wrong home sir,"

"No, I don't think that I do," the hood came off. DR.W!!

"Get away from me!" I say as I go to close the door, he puts his foot in.

"Ashley, call the cops..." Ben said.

"No, I don't think that that would be a good idea, I haven't done anything..." he says.

"Your tresspassing," Ben piped up.

"Am I?" he replies, knowing the answer.

Ben grabs the bat that lay in the corner by the door. "Yeah, you are..." he says as he raises his weapon. Ben was all too serious about beating this guy's head in, I thought that I had, but he must've gotten to the doctors and waited, trying to find us this whole time.

Terror ran through all of our faces, and the memories flooded in like hurricane force rain... Ashley had her hand on the phone, ready to dial as Ben stood looking at Dr.W.

"Get the hell.... off our property!' He rose the bat and threatened as he shook it at the Dr. But the doctor was not scared, he stood his ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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