Chapter 23: Part 2: After The Move

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A/N---- This is a little bit after the move, they are now at the new place, I just didn't figure you guys wanted to read about packing boxes... lol


Tyler's POV

After we had finally got all the boxes unpacked and things put away. We arranged things to where we wanted them and we all seemed to be feeling alot better with the fact that we were living in a house, not a small little bar apartment.  

It was getting later in the evening, the night after we had moved everything into the house and we were all exhausted by this time. We had had to set up the crib and put Denver to bed, but we were all getting to the point where we were too lazy to set up the beds. I ended up laying on the couch, Ashley had her head on my lap and Ben fell asleep in our lazy boy. After a good nap, I woke up and walked over to the cupboard and plugged in the stove and started a very late supper.

I started boiling some water, dug through a box and found some spaghetti noodles and threw them in the pot when it was ready.Then I grabbed myself another pot and started to make some homemade sauce. I grabbed three plates and a baby bowl, I grabbed the silverware, and then I heard Ashley yawning.

Ashley's POV

I sat up, yawned and stood up, Ben was snoring in the lazy boy and there was Tyler making spaghetti and filling up the plates, and filling up some cups with water. He looks up and smiles as I wake up Denver to get him ready to eat, he giggles and wraps his arms around me, then we go into the kitchen and I put him in the high chair.

"How was your nap?" he asked me as Ben stretched and walked into the kitchen.

"Oh you know, not long enough," I retorted.

"Mmm, spaghetti smells good," Ben interuppted.

"Yeah it does," I answered.

Denver was giggling away as I sat his little plate on the high chair, he was old enough now so that he was able to feed himself if the food was chopped up, and it wasn't a big portion. And with that I knew that all of it would be eaten with no fuss or temper tantrums, which is great.

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