Chapter 21: The Fear

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Ashley's POV

We walk in and he is lying in the bed, blanket over him and he is in a hospital gown. He looks better than he had at the bar, I mean now he wasn't covered in blood or screaming, it was bad though, he was going to be here at least two or three days.

Carl was to my left as Tyler held my hand and Denver in his other, Denver seemed to really like Tyler, this I found was odd, because of all the things that had happened in the freak lab, this kid still had the love in him, he still had the attachment. I was so glad Ben was feeling better, I give him a small hug and then he smiles and kisses my hand.

"Thanks for being here," he says as he then proceeds to give little Denver a hug too.

"That is what friends are for man, its no problem, you me and Ashley and Denver, well we're family now, and there's no disputing or disbanding of it either. We are friends, but now we are a family." Tyler says as he high fives Ben.

'True, I agree,' I said as I took Denver from Tyler and sat in a chair. "Family for life,"

"Great," Carl interuppts. "Ben, it's good to see you aren't hurt too badly, and to boot, you guys will be paid while you are all off for these few days. I have other people lined up just for this exact reason..."

"Really? Thanks Carl, that's pretty cool of you," Ben says as he shakes Carl's hand.

"Yeah, it's no problem, that is why they are lined up, if something like this happens." Carl replies. "Alright, so I'll see you all back to work in a week,"

"Yeah, that sounds great," Ben answered.

 Tyler's POV

Carl had been so good about all this, even in the bar, he had taken it to himself that he was going to get this guy, and he had.Ashley sat behind me in a chair, holding Denver who was struggling and giggling at her. Ben didn't look as bad as I had thought he was going to though, in the hospital gown, wrapped up and in a bed. It could have been worse.

 We get home latar that afternoon and I am helping Ben get up the stairs to our little apartment above the bar, he's still rather weak, tripping over his feet and holding his gut we finally get to the room and he sits on his bed.

He was glad that he was home too, and I couldn't blame him; I had hated the hospitals too, they were too white, too cold... almost like the Freak Lab. We were all glad that we were out of there; in there we had had no medical help, we were forced to be poked by needles and I had a new and crazed liking for guns, thanks to the crazy doctors.

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