Jerome's POV

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Of course Mitch ran back into his cabin like a chicken. I couldn't go in there or I'd be shot at even more. I see that Simon one of the older campers finished teaching the rules and they were waiting for me. " Come on everybody let's go" Josh the head counselor shouts and we all run to the canoes. I see art camp on the beach building sand castles, really good ones. I whisper in Josh's ear " we, should get rid of those silly sand castles" " agreed" he says and we pick up our canoe. " Follow us everybody" Josh shouts and we walk through the beach making sure to step on every single castle. " Hey you stupid asshole's what do you think you're doing" she shouts storming up to us. " going canoeing" Josh replies and our campers are starting to laugh. Tiffany's face goes red and she looks like she's going to hit Josh. "Is there a problem here Tiffany" Lachlan the co-counselor from gaming camp asks. " Yes there is! They stepped on all of my campers sand castles on purpose" she says. " How about you leave art camp alone for the rest of the day and apologize to the campers" Lachlan says looking at us. " How about you shut the hell up" I shout. " How about you act your age" Lachlan counters back. " How about you mind your one business" I shout and push him back. Now people from paintball camp, skateboard camp, gaming camp, and math camp have come over to see what's happening.  I see the every counselor and co-counselor from each camp and a couple campers to. " How about you get a brain" he shouts and pushes me back. Now I'm mad. I swing at him, hitting him right in the Jaw. He stumbles back but kicks me in the gut. Which hurt like a bitch. He tackles me and I kick him in the gut, which pushes him off of me. " World star" Mitch yells from the crowd. Then I realize, if the head of all the camp sees Lachlan and I fighting we're screwed.  Lachlan gets up and shouts " gaming camp is the best". He gets cheers from his camp. " Sports camp is the best" I shout. " No way skateboard camp is the best" co-counselor Vikk from skateboard camp shouts. " Math camp is the best " co-counselor Preston yells. " Art camp rules" Rob the co-counselor from art camp yells out from a window. "Paintball camp dominates" Mitch yells. That's when the arguing breaks out and the head of the camp Felix blows a whistle. " All head counselors come with me, and the rest of back inside the your cabins"he shouts. We all sprint back to our cabins. " Are they going to get fired" Jin asks as we walk in. " I honestly don't know" I say. I sit on the couch and watch some Tv, we haven't used our hour up so we watch re runs of boy meets world. What the hell is going to happen

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