Preston's POV

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I'm kinda glad camp is over. I mean after camp is over my baby sisters going to be born and I'm honestly excited to be an older sibling! It's not that I'm not going to miss anyone, I am I'll miss my cabin mates and The Pack. That names kinda stuck with us and it's great to feel part of team/ club/whatever the hell The Pack is." Hey, P-man wanna go write your name on the wall" Jin asks from the doorway and I jump!" Yeah I'll be out in a second" I say and awkwardly laugh. I'm so done with myself, I just awkwardly laughed at something that wasn't really funny or awkward!" You know I'll probably won't be head counselor next year..... I'm going to Med school this September and I just wanted to ask if you maybe wanted to take my place as head counselor next summer cause next summer I'll be in Canada" Jin says awkwardly like me. He wants me! Preston Arsement to be head counselor of math camp! I feel so honored and I know why Jin chose me.Jin and I are a lot a like we're awkward, math nerds, gamers, Otaku's, and like being part of teams, clubs, and groups." Yes! I would love to, thank you Jin I hope you do good in med school" I say cheerfully and walk over to him." You know Preston I've always seen you as a little brother, sorry if that sounds weird" Jin says and twiddles with his sleeves. I smile at that, I've always wanted to be considered someone's brother who isn't  related to me." Thanks Jin, I've always considered you as my big bro..... Let's go write our names on the wall" I shout out and we race to the wall. I'm
not a fast runner but apparently Jin is cause he's way ahead of me! We arrive at the wall to our campers and paintball camp who are just finishing up. I look over at the wall for a free spot to write my name on. After scanning the wall for five minutes I find a spot beside my old enemy Mitch. I look over what Mitch wrote and it says:

Never give into the box people put you in,Break free
- Mitchell Hughes 🤔

That was a decent quote. I expected a paintball quote or some dumb jock quote. Wait.... I think that's a quote about me. Ever since I've met him I've labeled him as a dumb jock, an idiot, and a jerk. I gotta apologize or I'll feel bad forever. First, I need to write a quoted or at least my name like Jerome. I think I got one.

If you think you can't or can you're right. Remember the universe is listening, so push yourself to the limit and farther.
- Preston

I wave goodbye to Jin and the rest of the campers then run off to paintball camps cabin. I see Jasmine and Simon having a friendly chat." Yoo guys, have you seen Mitch" I ask. Did I really say Yo guys, that's so out my character. I'm going to have a cringe attack like Daniel Howell." He's just inside.... MITCH! MITCH! BITCHELL!" Jasmine says in her calm laid back voice then she begins to shout Mitch's name." What the hell do you wa-... Oh hey Preston, what's up" Mitch says and grins at me his cocky way." I just gotta talk to you for a sec" I say and walks over beside me. I walk off a bit so Jasmine and Simon don't hear us." I'm sorry for being a jerk face" I say and he gives me a shocked look." You're sorry? I'm sorry, I was a real Jag " Mitch says laughing and slaps me on the back in a friendly way." Let's consider it water under the bridge" I say and stick my hand out for him to shake. He reaches in then dabs." Sorry bro, I'm just a OG savage but yeah water under the bridge. Later skater" Mitch says and runs off. I feel way better about our friendship now. Wait I hair realized tomorrow's the last day of camp! I think I'm gonna hurl.

Who wants to hear the new option for the new books. If enough people want to hear it I'll post in the next chapter

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