Vikk's POV

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I'm nervous. I have to paintball today, then tomorrow do sports. Why can't I just skateboard? Skateboarding is a sport.... kinda. " Come on Vikk we only have to do it for a hour then we're going to skate park with our campers" Tobi whines dragging me out the door. I see the rest of the co-counselors and some of the older kids who I could care less about walking to paintball camps cabin. Tobi and I sprint over, I just want to get this done and over with. " Okay everyone is here, squad one is Vikk, Mitch, Jerome, Lachlan, Rob, and Preston" JJ says he obviously doesn't want to be doing this. Mitch looks at Jasmine and Jason with the face you make when you're not in the same group as your friends. The six of us awkwardly walk over to each other. JJ continues talking but I zone out. JJ handed us the paintball guns and masks similar to BMX masks. Rob and Preston arms almost give out due to the weight. What a bunch of whimps, the gun isn't that heavy. "We will be playing at what campers at paintball camp call woodland, your squad will have ten minutes to make a plan" JJ shouts. " Follow me" Mitch shouts. We run into the woods hence the name woodland. He takes a sharp left and we're by some really big rocks. " Okay, we have to take out the other squads, any ideas" Preston says. " I know this area the best, we should attack the squad at the lake, that's where Jason's group starts,knowing Jason he probably split his group up" Mitch says. "Jason had the squad with four people so there in twos, we can most likely take the noobish ones" Preston says. " I agree with the nerd" Jerome says making Preston roll his eyes. " What about Jasmine's group" Lachlan asks. " She's quiet.we have to be extra careful, but since she with people who probably never been paintballing she'll probably won't be very stealthy" Mitch says. A air horn goes off. " We stick together" Mitch says. We start walking with Mitch leading and Lachlan at the very end. Apparently he's been paintballing once or twice. We arrive at the lake and Mitch puts his hand up, signaling us to stop. I see Ross from gaming camp and Tobi. Lachlan lifts his gun and shoots Ross before Mitch. " Oh fuck" Tobi yells and starts running through the cat tails. Ross was holding his arm where Lachlan shot him. " G-Good job" he stutters out with his hands up. He continues to shout I'm out as he walks away. " Who shot that" Preston asks. Silence, why isn't Lachlan owning up. " Lachlan did" I whisper shout. Mitch turns around and says " nice one". Did Mitch just compliment him? Mitchell Hughes complimented someone from the other camp! Lachlan nods and says " Tobi can't be far let's get going". Lachlan looked angry like he could kill anyone of us. As the group begins walking he grabs the collar of my camouflaged jacket. He whispers " snitches get stitches". He lets go and runs after the group. I didn't even snitch! Snitching is when you tell someone like a teacher something that a person didn't want to tell the teacher like they're chewing gum. Oh shit. That's exactly what I did. I run after the group. When I finally catch Mitch whispers " crouch" and he drops to the ground. I drop to the ground swiftly. " Jason,Tobi, and John (Barney) are right there, someone needs to distract them so Lachlan, Jerome, and I can shoot them" Mitch whispers. Everyone looks at Preston.
"Why me" he asks " you're the weakest, just do it" Jerome whisper shouts. Preston rolls his eyes and stands up. He takes a breath and starts running he yells math camp rules. He's shot within seconds. I stand up and shoot John then I duck down." Jasmine I swear if it's you" Jason shouts. Lachlan jumps up and shoots Tobi. How do I know? Tobi shouted out " bloody hell". Jerome jumps up next but Simon from Jasmine squad shoots Jason. " Damn it" Jason shouts. Jerome shoots Simon, who was doing a victory dance. " Let's go, Jasmine and her group are probably around here, somewhere" Rob whispers. He hasn't talked a lot, he's probably really shy. We stand up and start walking. " Fuck, I'm hit" Rob shouts and walks off. " Take cover" Jerome yells and we duck behind rocks." I'll sacrifice myself, you guys run" Jerome says and starts crawling to a nearby bush. He stands up and starts sprinting. He gets shot and he gives the finger to Jess from paintball camp. Mitch pops and shoots her. He gets shot " fuck you Ryan" he yells. Ryan is from gaming camp and is surprisingly a good shot. I peak over the Rock and Lachlan stands up. He shoots Ryan twice in the chest. " Damn you little Lachy" Ryan shouts before walking. Lachlan shot in the head/mask. " Jasmine is here somewhere" Lachlan whispers. He peeks over and he's shot in the mask/head." It's up to you Vikk" he whispers and walks away. Where is she. " You just gonna hide behind that rock" she yells from somewhere. " I'll give you five seconds to stand up and try to find me" she shouts from her hide out. I stand and I'm shot. " You actually fell for that" she yells laughing. A air horn goes off and that's the end of the game. Everyone comes running over to me. " Where's Jasmine" Lachlan asks. Everyone accept our group starts laughing really hard. " Look in a tree you twat" JJ says and we look at a near by tree. Jasmine pops her head; she had pine needles in her hair and she was laughing. " Of course Jasmine is in a tree" Mitch says face palming. Jasmine runs over to us and pushes Mitch. JJ begins speaking " great job squad two, and everyone else accept Mitch and Jason sucked". I roll my eyes " it's time for you guys to go back to your camp" JJ says. Jason, Jasmine, JJ, and Mitch walk off together. I walk over to Tobi " you did good" he says as we begin walking back to our cabin. " Thanks, you too" I say " race you back to the cabin" Tobi shouts and sprints off. What am I going to do with him?

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