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Twelve years later: all boys are 28

Preston and Rob:
The two men sat on the deck watching their two children run around their backyard. The younger one was seven, he had beautiful, thick, curly, brown hair, a sweet smile like his father Rob, and stunning green eyes; his full name was Jin Simon Arsement- Laskey.The other was girl and she was beautiful. Her skin was fairly tanned, she had dark brown curly hair, and piercing blue eyes. Her full name Michelle Jasmine Arsement-Laskey." Rob, can you believe our kids are going to camp this year" Preston says and places his hand on Rob's knee." We're so old" Rob says smiling softly watching the sunset." You are I'm not, you're almost thirty" Preston says sassily and Rob rolls his eyes." We're the same age you dork" Rob says laughing and jokingly pushes him." Dad! I'm so excited for paintball camp! I'm going to be just like Aunt Jasmine" Michelle shouts happily and hugs Rob." Daddy, did you go to sports camp" Jin asks sweetly and tugs at Preston's sleeves." No I didn't but uncle Jerome did and look at him now he in the NBA" Preston says and picks him up. Even though their kids were the exact opposite of them, they still loved them.

Lachlan and Mitch.

The duo sat in a field and watched their kids kick a soccer ball/football around. Three was their lucky number and they had three kids. Twin girls and a boy all loved equally even though they were all opposites. The eldest twin, Simoné was tall and lanky like Lachlan, but she was athletic like Mitch. She had blonde hair, grey eyes, and freckles everywhere. Her sister Victoria was completely different, she was tall and lanky like her sister but was a book worm and preferred reading over sports. Her hair was blonde, she had grey eyes, and she had black braces. Finally, their older brother Jase was a mixture of both athletic and book worm. His hair was dark brown, he had brown eyes, and glasses. Jase kicked the ball over to where his fathers were sitting and nails Lachlan in the face with it." Jase Robert Hughes! Good job, your father actual deserved that" Mitch shouts then laughs as Lachlan hits in the back multiple times. Boy did the two love their family.

Jerome and Vik

The two smiled as they curled up in a blanket under the stars. They were the only couple in The Pack that didn't have any kids yet." So how was your game" Vik asks snuggling into Jerome's side." We won as usual, how was training today" Jerome says smiling and holds Vik close." Eh, I did really well but I'm just stressed! It's the X games for crying out loud" Vik says making rapid gestures." You're going to do great you dork" Jerome says and boops him on the nose and laughs. You don't need kids to be happy.

The End!
If you have any questions about what happened to the others like JJ, Jin, Jasmine, Jason, Tobi, Tiffany, Felix, Max, or any others just comment and I'll give you a little story about what happened to them.
Okay so it seems the Golden Fleece story won. So I'll be taking OC's. Remember your OC's parents can't be Hades, Zeus, or  Poseidon. Make sure to make yours unique and try not to have the same parent as someone else.
Here's the format:

Godly parent:
What's their home life like:
Do they get along with your mortal parents: 
How long have you been attending camp:

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