Mitch's POV

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@thebudderninja1 every chapter I'll post there outfits so you can get an idea
The obstacle course was awesome. We were the last team to go and all the other teams failed really bad." GO" Felix shouted and we sprint down the path. The first thing was the death wall; a wall that sprays water and no places to step on, this was purely a team effort." Okay Preston, any ideas" I shout at Preston who was death staring the death wall." Mitch will climb the wall first and Jerome will be the one lifting people up Lachlan goes up second than Vikk, Rob, and myself" Preston says and we begin the plan. Jerome puts his hands out and I step on them. I grab the top of the death wall and slowly pull myself up with Jerome's help. I get up and swing my arms down to pull Lachlan up." Thanks, Mitchy" he says and we start pulling Vikk up. He was sinking his nails into my arms." Cut your fucking nails" Lachlan shouts at Vikk making him laugh." Lachlan and I can pull up Rob without Jerome's help and Vikk can you pull Preston up" I state and Vikk nods. We start pulling Rob up which was hard cause he wasn't really helping. Vikk got Preston up within seconds no only we need to get Jerome up. Jerome walks back a bit and shouts " get ready to catch my arms" he sprints as fast as he can and he jumps. Lachlan and I grab his arms and start pulling him up." Nice teamwork" Jerome says sarcastically glaring at Rob and Vikk. We slide down the wall onto the ground, Jerome falls on me because he kinda just jumped off the wall." Get off me you idiot" I shout and push him off roughly. We're on the second last thing; the rope swing! You have to swing over freezing water onto the other platform and if you fall in you're out." I'll go first" I shout the. grab the rope and pull it back as far as I can. I sprint and swing across the jump onto the platform. Vikk goes next he swings across and practically flies onto the platform. Next Rob swings over and lands gracefully like a swan. After Rob's beautiful landing Lachlan swings over next. He lands on the platform roughly and loses his balance but pulls it off with doing a barrel roll. Preston swings over and face plants onto the platform." Come on Jerome" I shout and he nods then jumps on the rope only holding it with one hand! He goes to jump but his hand slips but Rob grabs his other hand and with the help of Lachlan he pulls Jerome up." Thanks " Jerome says then him and Rob awkwardly high five." Let's get going" Preston says and runs over to the next and final obstacle course the mudslide. You have to crawl under things in the mud, crawl over things and fall into the mud, and finally you and your group have to slide down a mudslide!" Come on boys I hope you're ready to get dirty" I shout to the group and begin to climb under ropes. Lachlan catches up to me and he has mud on his nose. He winks at me and we reach the wall we have to climb over." It's not that tall we can all get over without help" Jerome states as he pulls the mud off his shoulder." Okay, I might need some help" Vikk admits and jumps onto the wall. He pulls himself up slowly as Jerome pushes his legs up. After Vik's up we all climb up and I throw some mud at Jerome." I'll push you off the wall Mitchell" Jerome says jokingly." Fight me" I say back jokingly and I jump off the and fall into some think mud. Everyone else jumps after and we see the mudslide." Let's do this" Rob says and starts climbing. We watch him for a second then start climbing. I was the farthest ahead cause I kinda jumped onto the ladder." Mitch get your butt out of my face" Preston groaned and I laughed." Well get your face out of my ASS" I shot back laughing and we reached the top." You ready boys" Jerome shouts and throws himself down the mudslide. You could hear is laughter/screams as he rolled down. Lachlan and I slid down together laughing and Lachlan was holding onto my hand really hard. We reached the bottom and fell into the mud pool head first and Jerome was waiting there for us and as soon as we stood up he threw mud clumps at us. The three other came down gracefully and fell feet first unlike us. The buzzer went off and we crawled out of the mud pool. JJ stepped forward and spoke tiredly " in third place Jupiter squad, second place sarcasm squad and in first which is no surprise The Pack". We cheered and we were given leaf crowns and skittles, what more could we ask for? Felix stood on the platform in front of the mud pool. He opened his mouth to speak but Tiffany, JJ, and Max charged and pushes him into the mud pool. Then JJ pushed Max in who grabbed Tiffany who grabbed JJ. So the top three coolest counselor were lying in the mud beside the king of fabulous himself Felix." Everyone is dismissed" Jin shouts and we all walk away from the course. The six of us don't speak we all go our separate ways." Congrats Mitchell" Jasmine says and adjust Jason's flower crown. They were part of sarcasm squad so they got flower crowns and Bubble gum." Thanks you to" I say and we enter the cabin." I just realized we only have seven days left until camp is over" Jason say glumly. Seven days! Seven days to have the time of my life until school starts. I sit on the couch and think. How could forget they always do the obstacle course a couple days before camp ends! Maybe I'll talk to Lachlan or Jerome tomorrow about this.

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