Lachlan's POV

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This book is almost over 😭

Lachlan's POV
Five days left. Four not counting today!  I'm freaking out. I don't want to go home/foster house. I was taken away from my neglecting family when I was twelve and nobody ever wanted me since. This place is my only escape from reality." Lachlan, we're going canoeing with the people from sports camp" Adam shouts from downstairs and I groan. Why now? I'm trying to have existential crisis over here! I get out of my bed and trudge down the stairs." Come on slow poke" Adam calls from outside and I jog out the door and  onto the pathway." Lachlan" a voice shouts and I turn around to see Simon and Jerome." Hey guys" I say trying to sound peppy." Wanna be in our canoe" Simon asks happily and I nod. We sprint over to the canoes and hop into the best looking one. Jerome and I grab the paddles while Simon pushes the canoe into water. I pull my shorts up and run into the water. I jump into the canoe almost tipping it over." Woah giant,be careful" Simon says playfully as he helps Jerome up. People have started calling me giant, I'm only 6'3. That's another memory I'll always remember that happened at camp."I can't believe camp is over in four days" Jerome says and we start paddling." I don't want to go back, do you understand how it is to be pressured by your own parents" Simon groans and places his head in his hand." They want me to be a surgeon, they want me to save lives" he says glumly." What do you want to be" Jerome asks making Simon's head shoot up and gives us a confused look." What did you say" Simon asks confusedly squinting like he was trying to read Jerome's thoughts." What do you want to do" Jerome asks again and Simon smiles then starts laughing." I-I haven't been asked that since I was six! I-I want to have my own radio show or be a comedian" he says and starts grinning like a two year old." My dad wants me to be a star athlete, he wants me to be in the NFL or NHL or NBA or he wants me to go to the Olympics. His motto is " training before school work cause you're not smart enough to do it"" Jerome says and looks down at the water." Jerome you're smart enough! You strategize everything and look at the out comes your smart about life" Simon says and blushes slightly after that mini rant." T-Thanks Simon, what about you Lachlan" Jerome says after awhile ." I'm in a foster home....... I don't really like it even though it's nicest home I've been to, there's just to much rules" I say trying not to sound embarrassed or scared. Then our canoe tipped over knocking us into the water. How do I explain what it felt like being underwater. Every time I go underwater time stands andthat nothing's wrong and your problems are not there anymore. The lakes greenish blue water seems to put you in a trance. You want to stay there forever but you have to swim up. I swim up and see Mitch, Tobi, and Vik laughing from there canoe. Tobi's clothes were wet, so he must of pushed out canoe over!" Fucking hell Tobi" Simon shouts and knocks there canoe over. How can camp almost be over?

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