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Everyone has been tense lately. This isn't feeling much like a camp anymore." Lachlan are you okay" Adam asks placing a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump." Yeah, I just need a break from everything" I say and lean back into the couch." Wanna play some Minecraft " he asks and I just nod my head. He hands me a controller and turns the PS4 on. We load onto our Minecraft world and start playing." I know you snuck out to that party thing" he says after awhile. I'm so screwed, what am I going to do?" What party thing" I ask trying to play dumb." The one by the lake" he says and starts to fix our Minecraft house." Which lake" I ask hopefully if I keep this up he'll leave me alone." The one with the leaches, I heard you outside talking that night" he says not making eye contact." It wasn't a party, it was a innocent get together" I say and kill him in the game." Fuck you, and don't worry Lach I don't care" he says and slightly pushes me." I'm gonna go swim in the lake" I say and put down my controller. He just nods and goes back to playing the game. I run up the stairs and bump into Jess who was walking down the stairs with Ross. They were both in bathing suits." Yo guys wait for me to change and I'll come swim you guys" I say to them. Jess smiles happily and says " sure thing, don't take to long". I give her a thumbs up and run into my room. I quickly change into my Pokemon bathing and run down the stairs." I'm ready let's go" I shout and we run out the door. We arrive at the main lake and I see Rob sleeping in a chair. I look around and see Tobi and Simon building a huge sand hole." Wait here guys I'll be back" I say to Ross and Jess." Okay, we'll be in the water" Ross says and they run into the lake. I jog over to Simon and Tobi " hey guys! Robs sleeping over there, we should put him in this hole and bury him" I say laughing." Yeah okay, I'll help you bring him over" Simon says and we ninja run over to him. Simon picks up his legs and I pick up his shoulders. We carry him quickly over to the hole and set him in gently. Tobi immediately starts burying him. Rob needs to learn not to be a deep sleeper. Simon and I help him until the sand is up to his neck." I'm gonna go swim, see you guys around" I say." Okay if you need us We'll be in the woods" Tobi says then drags Simon off. I run into the very cold lake and begin to swim over to Jess and Ross." I love One Punch Man! That's the best anime" Ross says as he treads water." No way, High School host club is the best Ross.....what do you think Lachlan" Jess says fiercely. I don't know much about anime or Japan culture in general." Uh, Pokemon" I say and awkwardly laugh." I hate you" Ross says jokingly." Join the club, at least two camps hate me" I say shrugging my shoulders. Ross is about to say something but I'm pulled underwater and I can't get to the surface.

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