Lachlan's POV

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It was dinner time. The mess hall was packed and the line was long. Luckily Adam got me to the front of the line." One hamburger and a chocolate chip cookie please" I ask the lunch lady Janice." There you go darling" she says in a raspy voice. I speed walk with my tray, Janice freaked everyone out but she made good food. I sat at video game camps table and began to chat with Ross." Tomorrow my group is versing your group" he said with a soft voice. He looked over at Max from skateboard camp; him and Max made eye contact and Max winked at him before continuing to eat. I let out a small laugh." All co counselors go to the extra table in the back that's where you'll be eating for the rest of the week, until you get more friendly with each other" Felix shouted into a megaphone. He was his signature tiara and pink bowa. I looked at Ross with a sad expression but I was dragged over to the table by Adam. It seems most of the co counselors had to be dragged over. I sat down beside Mitch and Tobi." Now socialize" Felix said with the megaphone right by my ear. Jason and Jasmine were of course having a quite conversation." So mofo's, what would of you like to talk about" Jerome asks fixing his SnapBack. I took a bite of my burger then Preston spoke " so when you guys got back to your camp what did you do". Nobody spoke for awhile but then Simon finally said " Jerome and I played dodgeball with our campers until dinner". The word dodgeball got everyone's attention " in elementary school I was kick ass at it" Jasmine said with a huge smile while Jason stared at her dreamily." Bet I could kick your ass at it " Vikk says taunting her. " I would beat both of you combined" Mitch countered a smug grin on his face." Sure, and I would beat Tony Hawk at the X games; I would beat everyone here" I say giving Mitch the same smug grin. He gives me the middle finger but laughs."Dang I would never think someone from video game camp would be so sarcastic" Tobi says laughing." Hey what can I say, I speak fluent sarcasm" I say back laughing." I'm the king of dodgeball I could probably beat all of you" Rob shouts out surprising everyone." I'm decent at dodgeball I could probably beat some really good eight year olds" Preston says with chuckle at the end." Your new name will be Preston the guy who can beat third graders at dodgeball" Jasmine announced getting laughs."I suck at dodgeball I'dprobably get out first" Jason says with a awkward laugh at the end." How about I ask my counselor if we can play dodgeball tomorrow instead of soccer" Jerome asks. In response he gets a bunch of cheers. Jerome leans over to Jasmine and says " I'll make sure you and me are on the same team, baby". Jasmine rolls her eyes and punches Jerome square in the face." Like I said I have boyfriend" she says as Jerome clutches his face groaning." Oh yeah Jasmine who is this so called boyfriend of yours" I ask. I already know it's Jason, it's obvious. Both Jasmine and Jason's face goes red. It's harder to see on Jasmine though since she has dark skin but may I add she has a very pretty skin complexion." You don't know him" she says standing up and walking off." I gotta go...clean my bunk" Jason says very fast and runs off forgetting his tray. The bell rings signaling dinner is now over. We all get up and leave saying quite goodbyes. Some of Mitch's campers look at him and he pushes me. He mouths sorry and walks away

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