Jerome's POV

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I caught up to Rob in a instant he was kinda fast but I had the agility to jump over fallen trees and huge rocks unlike Rob. Who has to slow down and cautiously climb over them." I'm the winner" I shout and do the running man challenge dance." You're such a dork" Vik says and flicks my forehead." I ship it" Mitch states and I push him. I mean Vikk is cute, but I'm not gay? I don't even know really. I think girls are cute to so I'm straight.....right? I'm really confused cause of Vikk, I blame him for everything that I'm feeling." Haha! Mitch by the way when were you gonna tell everyone about you and Lachlan" Vikk asks smugly and Mitch and Lachlan blush so hard they look like tomatoes." Did Machlan happen and I didn't even know about it "
Preston shouts and jumps up and down excitedly." Uh........ I think I should start heading back I gotta paint the wall in like twenty minutes and I gotta meet up with the three J's" Mitch says quickly and awkwardly then runs off." I gotta beat Adam at smash Bro's" Lachlan randomly shouts and follows after him. So much for forest bonding time." Well I guess I gotta get ready" I say and walk off. The forest was calming but I still felt cautious, I never liked being by myself in the woods, even though the forest is a great place to clear your mind of everything. I mean I'm assuming it's not like I have done that. Pssh I lift weights when I need to clear my mind,cause lifting fifty pounds totally makes you less stressed out. It's not like I'm struggling with my parents who are homophobic, pressuring me and conservative. Hahaha nope I'm just dandy. Note the sarcasm. I'm at the exit and I see Felix attempting to help Adam set up the camp fire." I can't do this shit" Felix cries out and flops onto the grass." Stop being a drama queen and pass me a damn lighter" Adam says angrily and Felix throws the lighter at him. I strangely ship it." Jerome come right your name" Simon shouts and from the wall holding a paint brush. I give him a smile and walk over." Here ya go Jerome" he says and hands me the brush. The one of the good things about sports camp is that we get to right our names in the wall first. I dip my brush into pitch black paint and write:

Meme King/ Jerome Aceti

Simon chuckles and says " really the darkest color here? You could of picked green, blue or even orange and really meme King". I laugh and say " yeah, I'm the dankest of the dank". Simon takes the brush out my hand and writes his name.

Simon and no you don't get to know my last name.

" real classy Simon" I say all smug like." Whatever.... I'll see you at the camp fire" he shouts out happily and walks away. He's cute to! Damn it mind control yourself!

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