Preston's POV

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A announcement came on saying it was a false alarm and there is no fire." Well we're out of time be gone children" Josh says and shoo's us away. I walk away somewhat staying close to the group. Mitch walked beside me and roughly pushes me. Let me tell you  something I do not have good balance and reflexes; so when he did that I immediately fell over into a huge mud puddle." Mitch what the fuck" I shout causing Mitch to laugh but I'm not happy, I'm angry. I pick up a clunk of mud and throw it at his hair. The front of his hair is full of gross warm sticky mud." Don't be such a prick Preston" Mitch yells." You started it bitch" I yell and I stand up." Not his fault you fell over he barely touched you" Lachlan says with a angry look." Oh shut up Lachlan at least he does something useful with his brain" Rob says defensively putting a hand on my shoulder. I stand up straighter and glare at them hard. Wherever Rob touches me it makes me feel stronger and powerful." Well I can't believe I'm saying this......Mitch and Lachlan do have a point Mitch barely touched him and there was no need to throw mud" Jerome says and walks over to Mitch and Lachlan. Tobi soon follows without saying a word. Vikk looks at Tobi confused and upset." Tobi why are you over there" Vikk asks " cause I agree with everyone on this side" Tobi respond defensively. Vikk glares at him then says "I'm choosing the right side, so Preston's". Simon is about to walk over to where all the people who on my side are but Jerome grabs his collar." Sports camp sticks together we're a pack so you stick with me or you're out of the pack" Jerome says harshly. Simon nods and walks over to Mitch's side. He's Jerome's bitch." I agree with Jerome, so I'm on Mitch's side sorry Preston" Jasmine says and Jason just nods. They walk over to Mitch and he high fives them." I never liked you bitchell" I shout keeping eye contact with Mitch." I never liked you either mathlete" he says all snobby like. Felix drives by on hover board wearing a pink bowa and tiara. He says into the mega phone "oooooo drama" then he drives away." How about you guys verse us at the obstacle course Friday or are you guys to afraid" Jason asks smirking slightly." Of course they are" Jerome says." We're in" Rob says and gives them the finger." Fine smell you losers Friday" Simon shouts out causing Mitch's group to laugh and walk away." We start training tomorrow" I say and everyone nods and walks off except Rob." You know Preston you got guts I respect that" he says " thanks, it's just that I'm sick of Mitch ruling this camp" I say " correction Peter I rule the camp" Felix says driving by on the hover board." It's Preston actually" I shout to him as he drives away." Don't really care, bye Piper" he says causing Rob to laugh." Well see you later piper" he says and runs off. Isn't he a cutie.

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