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The loud music drowned out her voice. The alcohol drowned out my pain. Put those two things together and what do you get?: One night of freedom.

I lost count of how many drinks I had had, but, it didn't really bother me. Because this is the night where Perrie Louise Edwards doesn't exist to me. A night where I can disappear from the world and have fun.

Lou and I sat at the bar and took countless numbers of shots and I found myself drowning her out of my mind. Her face wasn't even visible anymore and her voice was faint and distant. I just wish it would stay like this forever.

By the time midnight rolled around, it was hard for me to even see five feet in front of me. Everything was blurry and I felt light. Louis and I enjoyed the loud party music and drank until we couldn't see straight. It's bad for my liver and kidneys, I know. But, it's helped me forget about her for the day.

By two in the morning, between Louis and I both, we've received over seventy text messages and twenty missed calls from the lads, Leann, and Hope. This was a sigh that it was time to head back to Hope's house. Luckily, neither Lou or I drove a car hear, so we signalled a cab and told him to take us to the address Louis gave him. We were in there for thirty minutes, before we were in front of Hope's house. Part of me hoped that nobody was up to see Lou and I walk - or stumble - in.

We didn't make it up to the rooms. We ended up going to the backyard and that's where I don't remember a single thing that happened.

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache, grass stains on my pants, and a hungover Louis cuddled up next to me. We were so out of it that we didn't even make it up the stairs.

I sat up and looked around, only to see a frustrated Liam standing in front of me. I nudged Louis, waking him up, as we braced ourselves for the wrath of Liam.

"Where the hell did you two go?!"

"We went out."

"Both of you know that we aren't supposed to be out past curfew! You both know that management is going to flip on us! What do you have to say for yourselves?!" He yelled, as we flinched at the tone of his voice.

"Can I have some aspirin, or Tylenol?" I asked, only to be elbowed in the side by Lou.

"We are sorry, Liam. It won't happen again," Louis promised, before rubbing the top of his head, too. "Liam, my buddy and I wouldn't mind some aspirin right now." Liam groaned out of frustration, before storming in the house. Louis and I exchanged looks, as we tried to remember what happened last night. We both remember hardly anything we did, only telling us that we might have had a bit too much. I grabbed my phone and saw a hundred messages from the lads and Leann. As I went through them all, I noticed that I also had quite a few miss calls. As I went through the calls, I saw at the very top of the list: Perrie.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath. Louis looked over at my phone and saw it, too.

"Did you call her last night?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "I guess I did," That's when it hit me. "Louis, what did I say to her?"

"Don't ask me, I'm just as confused and worried as you are." As I looked closer at the name, I saw that the call was received. Meaning one thing: She answered it.

I dropped my phone, fear flooding throughout me. I called Perrie in my drunken state and she answered it. God only knows what I said to her. I could've said anything.

Louis and I stood up from the grass, as Liam gave us each an aspirin and a glass of water. Liam shook his head in disappointment.

"Louis, your lucky Hope is getting Alaska right now, or she would be kicking your ass," Liam said, before looking at us from head to toe. "You should get upstairs and get cleaned up. You both look like hell." We nodded, before heading up the stairs quickly. I walked into the room I was staying in and grabbed clothes out of my bag, before heading into the bathroom.

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now