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"So, what would you like to do?" I asked Alaska, as she fiddled with the sleeve of my jumper. She's been quite ever since the trip the the center. She hasn't spoken a single word. I don't know if it was because of something I said, or because she went back into her shell. Every time I would try talking to her, she'd just walk beside me silently like I wasn't there.

"Alaska, are you okay?" I asked her, unlocking my arm from hers and standing in front of her. I grabbed her arms and faced her towards me, so she knew where I was.

"I'm fine," She replied quietly. "Just a bit tired."

"Do you want to go back to the van and lay down for a bit?" She shook her head and looped her arm through mine and told me to keep walking. I just sighed, before continuing our walk. Something was on her mind. I could tell.

"Alaska, you know you can tell me-"

"No, Zayn. I can't tell you anything," She snapped, unlocking her arm from mine. "You have no idea how I'm feeling, or what I'm thinking about." I raised my hands up, before she looped her arm with mine and we continued to walk. I don't know what set her off, but obviously it was something I did. But, if it was me that caused her to change her mood:

What did I do wrong?

"Do you want to eat something? It's been awhile since you've eaten anything." I asked her. She took a deep breath, before nodding her head slowly. "Anything in particular?"

"I'm not picky." She replied. I looked around the are we were at and spotted out a small diner at the corner. We walked across the street and entered the diner, where we were instantly sat down. Alaska poked my hand, before biting her lip and sighing.

"Hey... um... Zayn?" She said.

"I can read it for you, if you'd like." She nodded, before I read through the menu. After the waitress took our order and walked back to the kitchen, I looked at the brunette across the table. Her head was down, as she fiddled her thumbs. I didn't really have anything to say, so I just looked out the window. Suddenly, I heard light tapping. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The tempo wasn't very fast, but it was a nice tune. I looked across the table to find Alaska, tapping her fingers against the booth table. Shortly after wards, she began humming silently to herself, hoping I wouldn't hear her.

Just as I went to ask her what she was playing, our food and waitress came back. So, we sat there and ate, the occasional small chat filling the empty diner. After we left the diner and we crossed the street, we continued our journey through Hollywood. My mind soon wondered back to the tune Alaska was humming. I smiled a bit, before clearing my throat.

"You never told me you could sing." I said, causing her to giggle.

"Silly Zayn. I highly doubt that humming is considered singing."

"I beg to differ."

"Whatever you say, Zayn. Whatever you say." I chuckled, as we continued on our way.


About an hour later, we were back at the van, waiting for the rest of our little party to arrive. Alaska was still humming to herself, thinking I wouldn't hear her, when in reality I could. She stopped humming long enough to lay on her back on the longer tan seat of the Burgundy van. She closed her eyes and dozed off. I smiled, as I saw Lou and Hope appear. The both had bags on them, telling me they went on a shopping spree. As they piled it all into the trunk, Harry and Liam arrived. They had a bag apiece and a Red Bull in each hand. Did everyone go shopping?

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now