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I've never been outside of the States before. So once we arrived in Canada, I was completely out of my element, yet amazed at the sights. 

I've never been in a plane, so I'm not used to the whole jetlag thing. So by the time we got off the plane and my feet were in the ground, jetlag had hit me hard. Plus, the blaring sun didn't help at all. I slipped my glasses on, trying not to make my already pounding head ache worse. I look at group and see that their perfectly fine. Like jetlag hasn't affected them.  

Maybe because their used to it by now.  

"Bub, stay close to me." Alaska said, as she looped her arm through mine. This was an entirely new environment to her. I thought it was weird for me, it's gotta be heck for her. I hate knowing that Alaska isn't in her comfort zone. She knows little to nothing here, whereas she knew where everything was back in California.  

"I will. We're almost inside." I responded, before leading her in doors, the boys and Leann following shortly behind. Every time a question erupted from the crowd of teenage girls, Alaska would tighten her grip on my arm. Most of the questions were simply asking who she was and if she was dating any of the boys. It didn't really surprise me that all these teenage girls skipped school to see their idols arrive at the airport. It would probably be like this everywhere we go.  

I turned around and faced the boys, sighing as Ali rested her head on my shoulder. The jetlag was catching up to her as well, which honestly didn't surprise me. "Where to boys?" I asked. Liam smiled, pointing to the van that was pulling into the parking lot. 

"We don't have a show till tomorrow night, so we're heading for the hotel." Liam said. I nodded, before helping Ali into the van and helping with the bags. I felt like I should help as much as possible, due to the fact that they were generous enough to let us tour with them.  

As the drive to the hotel grew longer than expected, I kept thinking about how Zayn expected his little idea to work. I know he means well, but he just doesn't understand that Alaska is stubborn. She'll keep refusing the offer. She'll get tired of him asking and she blow up. I just hope Zayn is ready for the rejection.  

Once we're in the hotel and settled in our rooms, I remember hitting the bed and falling asleep, as Alaska sat on the other end, legs crossed and music on. Just like she always does.  



I never knew how much I hated the dark until the accident. I had always hated the dark when I was younger. But, I'm pretty sure we all had a phase like that once in our lives. But for me, I'm surrounded by nothing but the dark and it scares me. No one really knows how much I miss seeing the sun rise. I miss the colors the sky would make when the sun set at night. Bright orange and splashed of purple and blue. I miss seeing people's reactions.  

Landon kept bringing up the surgery every chance he could. He was determined to convince me to commit to a surgery as big as that. I've heard of the outcomes of those operations and it scares me. They get one chance to fix everything. Only one. And if they were to screw up, I'd be permanently blind, or worse, dead.  

When Zayn appeared into my life, I knew what I was getting myself into. He wasn't trouble, but he sure was close. Before the accident, I remember seeing pictures and interviews of him. He's attractive, don't get me wrong, but I'm not going to allow him in. I let one boy in and he ruined everything. Therefore I'm done with boys.  

But, over the last few days, I'd grown a soft spot for the boys of One Direction. Especially Zayn. And it kind of makes me happy to see a boy like him open up, cause you never see men open up anymore. They all think their tough, so they don't show the soft side to them. But, after hearing Zayn explain how much this Perrie meant to him, it makes me appreciate him more.  

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now